Chemistry - The University of Sydney
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About this major

Chemistry is the study of many different things around us, including how one substance changes into another and the relationship between the nature and structure of molecules. It plays a key role in studying things like how to obtain metals from ores, convert oil into plastics and develop cures for cancer. In taking a chemistry major, you will come to understand the impact that it has on the world around us, including dyes, paints, medicines, silicon chips, artificial hips, synthetic fibres for clothing, energy storage, optical fibres and rubber tyres. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the optional 'Year in Industry' program where you'll spend one year during your course working in the chemical industry (at commercial rates of pay). 

For more information on the program structure and content, view the Science Undergraduate Handbook.

Graduate opportunities

A chemistry major opens the door for many careers because training in chemistry is essential for many positions in industry, is highly desirable for science teaching, and is useful for careers in the public service and management. Both the public and the private sectors increasingly draw their higher management employees from chemistry graduates.

There are many employment opportunities for chemists, including industry, government laboratories, education and management. The industrial sector includes such diverse areas as petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, medicine, food and drink, metals, polymers, computing and scientific journalism. Government laboratories include research, forensic and analytical laboratories and many statutory authorities.

Courses that offer this major

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.