Exams - The University of Sydney
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Familiarise yourself with the instructions, processes and expectations governing in-semester tests and end of semester exams.


Your end-of-semester exams will usually take place directly after StuVac (study vacation week) in Weeks 15 and 16 of the semester.

In-semester tests, quizzes and take-home exams may also make up part of the assessment of a unit of study. These are arranged by the unit of study coordinator.

With the return to on-campus delivery for all domestic and onshore students in 2023, we are returning to on-campus exams for most students.

Preparing for exams

When exam timetables are released, your timetable will include details on the type of exams you will be sitting. You should refer to the Canvas site for each of your units for more details on what format the exams or assignments will be in.


Check if your calculator is on the approvable calculators list if you plan on using it for your exams.

Types of exams

The kind of exam you sit will be stated on your exam timetable.

Exams are conducted either on campus (paper-based) or online through ProctorU’s Live+ system. Online exams are supervised by an invigilator to make sure that they are being conducted in line with the University’s rules.

Students who are studying on campus are usually expected to attend exams on campus, whereas remote and online students will use ProctorU’s Live+ system.

Adjustments for exams

Inclusion and Disability Services helps students who have a disability to access reasonable adjustments for exams. They can also help students who have a temporary condition or injury and require adjustments for their exam.

  • The deadline to register with Inclusion and Disability Services for the main Semester 1 exam period is Wednesday 30 April.
  • For intensive exam weeks, make sure you are registered three weeks prior to your final exam.

Find out about registering with Inclusion and Disability Services.

Check the common adjustments converted for online delivery. Adjustments for your in-person exam will be included on your exam timetable.

If you have a condition or circumstance that will affect you taking your exam in the short-term, just for a day, a week, or a few months, you may be able to apply for Special consideration.

Exam preparation

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Last updated: 19 February 2025

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