
17 March 2016

University of Sydney experts comment on the UK's sugar levy

University of Sydney experts have commented on the UK Government's decision to put a levy on sugar-containing beverages in a bid to reduce childhood obesity.

17 March 2016

The 24/7 city, creativity and the lockout laws

The city is the perfect place for clubbers to share a coffee with early-rising suits. They should have an equal right to see the sunrise, writes Sydney College of the Arts' Dr Oliver Watts.

17 March 2016

University welcomes new 10-year plan for mathematics

A new ten-year plan for mathematics in Australia, launched today by federal education minister Simon Birmingham, has called for compulsory mid-level mathematics for university entry, just one month after the University of Sydney announced its own mathematics prerequisites.

17 March 2016

Ecology redefined in game-changing nutrition research

New research from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre will create a seismic shift in the study of ecology, transforming one of the fundamental concepts of the field with cutting-edge nutrition research.