
University of Hong Kong partnership benefits asthma patients

3 September 2016

Professors from Sydney and Hong Kong have built an enviable international collaborative research program leading to improved treatment for asthma patients around the world.

asthma puffer medication

Significant improvements in the treatment of asthma and other lung diseases have been made possible by joint research between the University of Sydney and the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

Kim Chan, Professor of Pharmaceutics and a world leader in aerosol drug delivery and drug formulation, has built up a comprehensive research program with colleagues from HKU

He has published 10 research papers since 2010 from projects involving HKU partners including Dr Jenny Lam, Dr Philip Kwok, Professor Leo Poon and Dr George Leung.

“Our collaborative research has changed and improved the way of treating and managing asthma and other lung diseases,” said Professor Chan, who is also leader of the Advanced Drug Delivery Group in the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Australia has more than two million people with asthma, one of the largest population of asthma sufferers in the world.

He added: “Hong Kong has an increasing number of patients with tuberculosis, and we’re applying our inhalation aerosol technology to treat TB by directly administering the therapeutic agents to the lungs where the TB bacteria reside, maximising the potential therapeutic outcome.”

Professor Chan also played a key role in the development of Aridol, an inhaler widely used in the diagnosis of asthma.

His research output – including more than 350 research papers – covers a wide range of issues including new processes for powder production, particle engineering, aerosol formulation, scintigraphy imaging of lung deposition and clinical outcomes.

He is also examining ways to improve lung function for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a condition affecting one in seven Australians over the age of 40.

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