
Lucy Fuchter

Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Lucy is currently studying to become a veterinary surgeon. Her future plans are to undertake further studies to specialise in small animal surgery.
Lucy Fuchter on Camden Farm

My degree

I love science and I love animals, so studying to become a veterinarian seemed to be the perfect solution. I’ve always loved learning about the way things work and the world around me. As part of this degree, I’ve been on placements all over Australia, and have done one overseas. I am also very lucky to be the 2017-2018 President of the Veterinary Society.

My experience

It’s hard to pin down a ‘typical’ day! When we’re at the Camperdown campus, a typical day is 9-10am lecture, 10-12am practical, 12-1pm lecture, 1-2pm lunch and 2-4pm tutorial. When we’re at the Camden campus, it’s much more variable: one day we might be working with horses, and the next day dairy cattle.

I always thought that science was ‘black and white’, right or wrong. This degree taught me very quickly that is isn’t, which was quite a surprise initially.

My classmates

Diverse. My cohort consists of people of a wide age range, from many different countries and of many different nationalities. Such diversity is great – we all have different strengths and weaknesses, so can continuously learn from and support one another.

My lecturers

Passionate. Passionate about their area of expertise, and passionate about teaching the future generation of veterinarians.

My future

I would like to undertake further studies in order to specialise as a small animal veterinary surgeon.

My advice

Come along to University Open Days. Both students and staff from the various areas of science will be available to answer your questions, and give you an insight into the degree(s) you are interested in.