Inclusion and disability - The University of Sydney
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Inclusion and disability

Registering with Inclusion and Disability Services ahead of exams

You may be eligible to register for reasonable adjustments for your exams if you have a disability, medical condition or carer responsibilities (temporary or ongoing) that could disadvantage you in your formal examinations.

To receive academic adjustments for your formal exams, you will need to have submitted your application, booked your consultation, and be fully registered with IDS before the deadline.

Semester 1 formal exam period deadline: complete registration by Wednesday 30 April.

Intensive units with a final exam deadline: complete registration three weeks before the unit's exam week.

The University is dedicated to ensuring that all students have equal access to learning.

By registering with Inclusion and Disability Services, students who have a disability or carer responsibilities can gain access to the adjustments and services they need to succeed in their studies.

Contacting us

We are available for appointments via Zoom, phone and face-to-face on the Camperdown/Darlington Campus. Please advise which option you require when booking an appointment.

If you have not yet registered with us, and have questions you'd like to discuss with a Disability Officer before you apply to register, you are welcome to book a 30-minute appointment.


The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for people to voluntarily share that they have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent. 

Sunflower lanyards are provided free of charge to students with a hidden disability. They are available from the Inclusion and Disability Services team and in all University Libraries.

Visit us
Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building (next to City Road, on the Camperdown/Darlington Campus).

+61 2 8627 8422


Our officers have expertise in a variety of backgrounds including health sciences, psychology, and rehabilitation therapy. This gives them an excellent understanding of how a disability or carer responsibilities may affect a student’s ability to manage their studies and meet their academic potential.

How we can help


Definition of disability

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 recognises that disability may be permanent, intermittent or temporary; acquired or lifelong; visible or invisible.

Once you’ve registered with us, we can work closely with administration and academic departments to ensure the appropriate teaching and assessment arrangements are made.

We’ll work with you to develop a personalised academic plan, detailing your course requirements and the recommended adjustments and one-to-one learning supports required to assist you. This is used to formally communicate to staff within the University the adjustments that you're eligible to access throughout the semester. Your academic plan will be reviewed each semester.

Types of adjustment might include:

  • assessment and exam adjustments
  • alternative formatting
  • timetable adjustments
  • access to assistive technology
  • lecture support
  • library services.

Eligibility for these services is determined on an individual needs basis, upon review of the recommendations made in your supporting documentation and your consultation with a Inclusion and Disability Services Officer.

We liaise with your faculty or school to provide you with reasonable adjustments and support. However, please be aware that our services do not include counselling or case management, and we can’t intervene on matters of special consideration, academic appeal or leniency.

Unsure whether to register with us?

Here is some more information that might help with your decision.

How to register


Obtain the required supporting documents before you apply. These documents will need to be attached when you complete the application to register.


Complete the Inclusion and Disability Services Application to Register by logging into the student wellbeing portal with your UniKey. In the application you will be required to read and acknowledge the IDS conditions of registration and consent (pdf, 203KB).


We will contact you to book your registration consultation with a Disability Officer. The consultation will take around one hour.

If you have any difficulty with the online application form or obtaining the required supporting documents, please contact us at

Supporting documents

To complete your registration you’ll need to provide a supporting documentation form (pdf, 1,166KB) completed recently by your treating health professional. Supporting documents must be completed in English. Official medically translated documents may also be accepted.

In some cases, specific support material is required instead of the form:

  • Specific learning disabilities - if you are requesting access to support for a specific learning disability, we require a copy of the results of psychometric testing used to diagnose your condition. This testing must have been conducted after you have turned 17 years of age, as levels of learning disability can change during childhood and adolescence. If required, a Disability Officer can refer you for psychometric testing at the University of Sydney Psychology Clinic.
  • Handwriting difficulties - if you are requesting services due to handwriting difficulties (un-related to an obvious injury or congenital concern), we require a complete copy of the results of the assessment undertaken by an occupational therapist to assess the extent of your handwriting difficulty.
  • Exchange or study abroad - if you are requesting to access the same support you currently receive at your home university, you won't need to fill out the supporting documentation form. Instead we ask for supporting documents that support your current arrangements at your home university. Find out more about how this process works.
  • Students registering as carers - if you are applying to register as a student with carer responsibilities, you will need the appropriate medical professional to complete the Carer Registration Form (pdf, 1,287KB) and attach it to your application to register. Find out more about how we can support student carers.
  • Students who are pregnant – if you are applying to register for support due to pregnancy, you will need the appropriate medical professional to complete the Pregnancy Supporting Documentation form (pdf, 988KB) and attach it to your application to register. Find out more about how Inclusion and Disability Services can support pregnant students

How we work out your adjustments

As set out by the Disability Standards for Education 2005, we are required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to education. Find out what we look at when determining your adjustments.


Inclusion and Disability Services

  • + 61 2 8627 8485
  • Level 5 Jane Foss Russell Building G02
Opening hours

9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Registered students can make an enquiry online


Students share their experience of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative

Supporting disability awareness.
We spoke to Khanh Tran, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws student and a Disabilities and Carers Officer at the Student Representative Council, and Gemma Lucy Smart, PhD candidate and Disability Equity Officer at the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association, about what the Hidden Disability Sunflower means to them and how you can show your support.
Last updated: 27 February 2025

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