

They love art, they love technology.

ARTYTechs take over the Tinsheds Gallery to create interactive, immersive and responsive artefacts and installations while exploring the latest emerging technologies.

ARTYTechs at Work

Thursday 9 May - Friday 31 May

The Tinsheds Gallery will be transformed into a construction site. Come watch ARTYTechs bring their creations to life. Find out who these people are and see their project journeys.

ARTYTechs: The Next Generation (MIDEA)

Tuesday 4 June - Friday 14 June

Our Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts (MIDEA) students exhibit their semester projects. They have been working on interactive installations to light up the University of Sydney. After a one night only event on campus, the projects will be avilable to experience at the Tin Sheds Gallery over 2 weeks.

Register for the opening event, Thursday 6 June, 6 - 8pm.

ARTYTechs Post Vivid: “They Just Can’t Get Enough”

Tuesday 18 June - Friday 21 June

After showcasing their works at VIVID, the resident ARTYTechs are back for a week long exhibition.

Register for the closing event, Thursday 20 June, 6 - 8pm.

Tin Sheds Gallery

  • 148 City Road, Darlington Sydney, NSW
Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday 11am – 5pm