
Our Architecture graduates shine at Sculpture by the Sea

30 October 2019
Our graduate's work on showcase
Congratulations to our two graduates, Gabriella Boyd (B. Design in Architecture, 2019) and Chloe Henry-Jones (B. Design in Architecture, 2018) on exhibiting at this year’s Sculpture by the Sea.

Their exhibition, titled Sounding Waves’ Translucent Light, involves ocean mist and spray being caught in a single beam of light, revealing an ever-changing water pattern suspended in the air.

Projected from just above the high tide mark, the beam follows the edge of an intermittently revealed rock shelf and creates a datum from which the changing tide can be read.

Gabriella and Chloe were influenced by the land art movement and the idea of landscape as an artwork.

“We have created a work that is choreographed by the tides and swell of the ocean: the waves are the performers and our beam of light merely reveals what already exists. Throughout the exhibition Gabby and I will be changing the settings of the light to best respond to the movement of that night's ocean.”

“The work is designed to be experienced through movement and in this way, it draws upon our architectural study. As one travels around the bay different qualities and aspects of the ocean come to life,” said Chloe.

During low tide, the distance between the beam and the ocean’s surface is at its greatest and only the lightest mists are caught by the light. During high tide, the beam appears to hover just above the water’s surface, revealing the more powerful movements of the ocean.

“Gabby and I feel so grateful to be part of Sculpture by the Sea. It is the only exhibition in the world of which we are aware that gives young artists like us the chance to exhibit next to well established Australian and international artists.”

“It is a wonderful opportunity and we are eternally thankful to the Sculpture by the Sea organisation, our sponsors and in particular the University of Sydney for supporting our work,” said Chloe.

For information on how to view their work, visit the Sculpture by the Sea website.

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