Associate Professor Chika Anyanwu
Honorary Associate Professor, Casual Academic
Discipline of Media and Communications
Discipline of Media and Communications
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney
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Book Chapters
- Anyanwu, C. (2020). The voices of African children. In Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, Tama Leaver and Leslie Haddon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children, (pp. 500-507). New York: Routledge. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2019). Digital Divide or Information Divide Interrogating Telecommunication Penetration Measurements in Communal African Societies. In Bruce Mutsvairo and Massimo Ragnedda (Eds.), Mapping Digital Divide in Africa: A Mediated Analysis, (pp. 173-194). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2017). Interrogating the Fifth Estate. In Janet Fulton and Phillip McIntyre (Eds.), Creating Space in the Fifth Estate, (pp. 13-33). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2018). Fear of communicating fear versus fear of terrorism: A human rights violation or a sign of our time? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 26-33. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2017). Boko Haram and the Nigerian political system: hegemony or fundamentalism? Communication Research and Practice, 3(3), 282-298. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2013). Challenges to privacy law in the age of social media: An Australian perspective. Australian Journal of Communication, 40(3), 121-137. [More Information]
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- Anyanwu, C. (2020). The voices of African children. In Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, Tama Leaver and Leslie Haddon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children, (pp. 500-507). New York: Routledge. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2019). Digital Divide or Information Divide Interrogating Telecommunication Penetration Measurements in Communal African Societies. In Bruce Mutsvairo and Massimo Ragnedda (Eds.), Mapping Digital Divide in Africa: A Mediated Analysis, (pp. 173-194). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2018). Fear of communicating fear versus fear of terrorism: A human rights violation or a sign of our time? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(1), 26-33. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2017). Boko Haram and the Nigerian political system: hegemony or fundamentalism? Communication Research and Practice, 3(3), 282-298. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2017). Interrogating the Fifth Estate. In Janet Fulton and Phillip McIntyre (Eds.), Creating Space in the Fifth Estate, (pp. 13-33). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2013). Challenges to privacy law in the age of social media: An Australian perspective. Australian Journal of Communication, 40(3), 121-137. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2007). Innovative resistance in an era of market-driven educational policy: challenges for media and communication educators [Presidential Address to the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference (2007: Melbourne).]. Australian Journal of Communication, 34(2), 1-11. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2005). Virtual mobilisation and virtual African diaspora. Australian Journal of Communication, 32(3), 93-108. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (2003). Myth and Realities of New Media Technology: Virtual Classroom Education Premise. Television and New Media, 4(4), 389-409. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (1998). Virtual world and virtual reality. Journal of Australian Studies, 22(58), 154-161. [More Information]
- Anyanwu, C. (1996). TV Drama in Papua New Guinea: A case study in national identity. New Theatre Quarterly, 12(45), 79-84. [More Information]