Professor Chris Hilliard
Chris Hilliard is the Challis Professor of History at the University of Sydney. He is the author of five books, most recently A Matter of Obscenity: The Politics of Censorship in Modern England (Princeton University Press, 2021). He co-edits the Oxford University Press Journal Twentieth Century British History. Hilliard is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a member of its Council.
- Modern Britain and Europe
- Cultural and intellectual history
- Legal history
- Censorship
- Housing and immigration
- HSTY1044 Europe since 1914
- HSTY2717 Brexit in Historical Perspective
- HSTY7003 Becoming a Historian
My main research project at the moment is about racism, the state, and the market, especially in relation to housing, in Britain from the 1940s to the end of the 1970s. I am also working on articles about British controversies that found their way to the European Court of Human Rights in the 1970s.
Project title | Research student |
Nationalism and Ethnic Violence: Examining Repression Against Macedonians in the Interwar Period | Elena SEKULOVSKA |
If 'I am woman', what is man?: British masculinity and the Women's Liberation Movement 1970-1990 | Emma WALLHEAD |
Selected publications
- Hilliard, C. (2021). A Matter of Obscenity: The Politics of Censorship in Modern England. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2017). The Littlehampton Libels: A Miscarriage of Justice and a Mystery about Words in 1920s England. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2012). English as a Vocation: The Scrutiny Movement. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Hilliard, C. (2020). Leavis, Richards, and the Duplicators. In Saikat Majumdar, Aarthi Vadde (Eds.), The Critic as Amateur, (pp. 109-128). London: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2016). 'Rough Architects': New Zealand Literature and Its Institutions from Phoenix to Landfall. In Mark Williams (Eds.), A History of New Zealand Literature, (pp. 138-150). New York: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2016). Scrutiny abroad: literary criticism and the colonial public. In Not known (Eds.), The cultural construction of the British world, (pp. 165-179). TBC. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C., Duranti, M. (2024). Human Rights at the Edges of Late Imperial Britain: The Tyrer Case and Judicial Corporal Punishment from the Isle of Man to Montserrat, 1972–1990. Law and History Review, 42(2), 343-366. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2021). Authors and Artemus Jones: Libel Reform in England, 1910-1952. Literature and History, 30(1), 62-76. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2021). Mapping the Notting Hill Riots: Racism and the Streets of Post-war Britain. History Workshop Journal. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C., Duranti, M. (2024). Human Rights at the Edges of Late Imperial Britain: The Tyrer Case and Judicial Corporal Punishment from the Isle of Man to Montserrat, 1972–1990. Law and History Review, 42(2), 343-366. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2021). A Matter of Obscenity: The Politics of Censorship in Modern England. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2021). Authors and Artemus Jones: Libel Reform in England, 1910-1952. Literature and History, 30(1), 62-76. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2021). Mapping the Notting Hill Riots: Racism and the Streets of Post-war Britain. History Workshop Journal. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2020). Leavis, Richards, and the Duplicators. In Saikat Majumdar, Aarthi Vadde (Eds.), The Critic as Amateur, (pp. 109-128). London: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2019). Roundtable on James Vernon's "Modern Britain, 1750 to the Present", A roundtable by Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Chris Hilliard, Christienna Fryar, Mo Moulton, and Mark Hampton, with a response by James Vernon. Twentieth Century British History, 30(2), 264-284. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2017). The Littlehampton Libels: A Miscarriage of Justice and a Mystery about Words in 1920s England. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2016). 'Rough Architects': New Zealand Literature and Its Institutions from Phoenix to Landfall. In Mark Williams (Eds.), A History of New Zealand Literature, (pp. 138-150). New York: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2016). Scrutiny abroad: literary criticism and the colonial public. In Not known (Eds.), The cultural construction of the British world, (pp. 165-179). TBC. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2016). Words That Disturb the State: Hate Speech and the Lessons of Fascism in Britain, 1930s-1960s. The Journal of Modern History, 88(4), 764-796. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2015). Publishing. In Michael Saler (Eds.), The Fin-de-Siecle World, (pp. 367-379). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2015). Stories of an Era Not Yet So Very Remote: James Cowan in and out of New Zealand History. Journal of New Zealand Studies, NS19, 28-39.
- Hilliard, C. (2014). Popular Reading and Social Investigation in Britain, 1850s-1940s. The Historical Journal, 57(1), 247-271. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2014). The Twopenny Library: The Book Trade, Working-Class Readers, and 'Middlebrow' Novels in Britain, 1930-42. Twentieth Century British History, 25(2), 199-220. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2013). 'Is It a Book That You Would Even Wish Your Wife or Your Servants to Read?' Obscenity Law and the Politics of Reading in Modern England. American Historical Review, 118(3), 653-678. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2012). English as a Vocation: The Scrutiny Movement. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2012). Familiar with the Tradition: Twentieth-Century British History in Australia. Twentieth Century British History, 23(4), 529-574. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2012). The Native Land Court: Making Property in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand. In Saliha Belmessous (Eds.), Native Claims: Indigenous Law against Empire, 1500-1920, (pp. 204-222). New York, USA: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2011). "Mind's middle distances" : men of letters in interwar New Zealand. In Kate Macdonald (Eds.), The masculine middlebrow, 1880-1950 : what Mr. Miniver read, (pp. 150-161). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2011). Working-class Fiction. In Patrick Parrinder and Andrzej Gasiorek (Eds.), The Oxford History of the Novel in English, Volume Four: The Reinvention of the British and Irish Novel 1880-1940, (pp. 522-535). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hilliard, C. (2010). Licensed Native Interpreter: The Land Purchaser as Ethnographer in Early-20th-Century New Zealand. The Journal of Pacific History, 45(2), 229-245. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2009). The Provincial Press and the Imperial Traffic in Fiction, 1870s-1930s. Journal of British Studies, 48(3), 653-673. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2008). The literary underground of 1920s London. Social History, 33(2), 164-182. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2006). Producers by Hand and by Brain: Working-Class Writers and Left-Wing Publishers in 1930s Britain. The Journal of Modern History, 78(1), 37-64. [More Information]
- Hilliard, C. (2006). The Bookmen's Dominion: Cultural Life in New Zealand 1920-1950. Auckland: Auckland University Press.
- Hilliard, C. (2006). To Exercise Our Talents: The Democratization of Writing in Britain. Cambridge MA; London: Harvard University Press.
- Hilliard, C. (2005). Modernism and the Common Writer. The Historical Journal, 48(3), 769-787. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- FASS humanities, AI and education collaboration with University of Toronto, Gulson K, McKenzie K, Hilliard C, Lehner J, Tan J, Flew T, Weatherall K, Bello Villarino J, Gray J, Freebody K, Mockler N, Markauskaite L, Rawlings V, Office of Global Engagement/Compact Agreement Global Research Partnerships
- Words and Their Consequences: Freedom of Expression in Britain, 1960-1979, Hilliard C, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)