CREATE Centre Workshop Week

A showcase of arts education, innovation and creativity.
Whether you're a teacher, educational leader, principal, teaching artist, or academic, this is the perfect opportunity to explore new teaching methodologies, engage with creative content and connect with arts educators and cultural institutions.

For only $15.00 per session, you can participate in workshops designed by leading NSW Arts and Cultural Institutions.

Sessions will offer an in-depth look into the creative educational practices that can transform teaching and learning environments. Don't miss out on this enriching experience to expand your educational horizons and be inspired by the arts. Reserve your spot today and be part of a community driving the future of arts in education.

Date: 11, 12, 13 November 2024

Location: The University of Sydney

Workshop Week
Monday 11 Nov Room 1 Room 2
10:00am 4C Transformative Learning  
12:00pm Bell Shakespeare Chau Chak Wing Museum
2:00pm ATYP  
Tuesday 12 Nov Room 1 Room 2
10:00am MCA State Library of NSW
2:00pm STC  
Wednesday 13 November Room 1 Room 2
10:00am Bangarra  
2:00pm Belvoir