
15 January 2020

Business School achieves 'triple crown' with AMBA accreditation

The University of Sydney Business School has cemented its place among the world's leading providers of business education with accreditation from AMBA, a leading authority on postgraduate management studies.
15 January 2020

Student facilitated study sessions win international recognition

A program of Peer-Assisted Study Sessions at the University of Sydney has been recognised internationally for its "outstanding impact on student grades and student progression and retention."
15 January 2020

Prestigious AMBA accreditation reaffirms Business School's international reputation for excellence

The University of Sydney Business School has cemented its place amongst the world’s leading providers of business education with accreditation from AMBA, a leading authority on postgraduate management studies.
08 January 2020

Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen, not call them 'heroes'

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility, write Professor Leanne Cutcher and Dr Graham Dwyer.
07 January 2020

Intelligent Mobility in the Suite of Future Transport Options

Chinh Ho explores options for emerging products in the sphere of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and discusses the considerations that need to be taken into account when designing such products.