
21 October 2020

MBA student profile: Anna Yanatchkova

Anna Yanatchkova, recent MBA alumna and Government Relations Manager at the Sydney Opera House, shares how the MBA has impacted her life, both personally and professionally.
16 October 2020

Students blitz global tech competition with plan for small business support post-COVID

A multi-disciplinary team of students from the University of Sydney have taken out second place in the world's largest 'tech-for-good' competition, which had over 400,000 entries.
13 October 2020

Q&A: Industry Mentoring Program

Looking to make the most out of their study and career, Marcin and Sarah applied to be part of the Industry Mentoring Program. They now share their experience and key takeaways from the program.

12 October 2020

What's it like to work and study at the same time?

Ricky Rangra, Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Advanced Studies student and Transaction Analysis Associate at AMP, has developed a formula for balancing full-time work with full-time study.
06 October 2020

Why study a Master of Commerce at Sydney?

Future-proof your career with the transformed Master of Commerce from a world-class university.
01 October 2020

MBA student profile: Meghal Shah

Meghal Shah, current student and Anstice MBA Scholarship for Community Leadership recipient, shares his MBA experience and hopes for the future.
30 September 2020

Bachelor of Commerce alum receives young entrepreneur award

University of Sydney Business School alum Martin S Phabmixay has been recognised for his entrepreneurship with a 2020 Fairfield City Mayor’s Youth Achievement Award.
29 September 2020

Vale Susan Ryan

Following the recent passing of Susan Ryan, the University of Sydney community pays tribute to Australia's first female minister who was an alumna of the University.
28 September 2020

Business location decisions before and after COVID 19

Dr Camila Balbontin examines the ramifications of COVID-19 for local businesses in regards to their location planning and decisions.
28 September 2020

Australians want to work from home more post-COVID

More Australians want to work from home an average of two days per week after the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey by the University of Sydney Business School.