
20 August 2021

Why Chinese and Australian students differ on the workplace skills that matter

Australian students gained more skills in networking compared to Chinese students who increased their skills in communication and teamwork, during work-integrated learning programs, according to a new report by the University of Sydney Business School.
04 August 2021

Is the 15-minute city the future of urban living?

Is life under the pandemic bringing the central business district to an end? Business school professors reveal whether they think the future of post-pandemic urban life is the 15-minute city.
02 August 2021

Resurgence of Value Capture

Professor Martin Locke discusses the potential benefits of active value capture for major transport projects, where such mechanisms can offset the increasing cost of infrastructure funding.
27 July 2021

Professor Clinton Free appointed as new Deputy Dean and Head of School

In his role as Deputy Dean, Professor Free will help to deliver the Business School’s vision to inspire, inform and empower others to shape a better future for business and humanity.
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Strategy, Innovation and Management lead to?

The Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation in the Master of Commerce will develop you into an effective strategist, innovator and leader in established and entrepreneurial organisations.
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Global Logistics lead to?

The Global Logistics specialisation within our Master of Commerce will open up a world of exciting career possibilities in the global logistics and supply chain management industry.
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Business Information Systems lead to?

The Business Information Systems specialisation offers a variety of career paths across almost every area of business, from working in corporations and consulting firms to entrepreneurship and developing your own startup.
20 July 2021

How the science of wellbeing can help build resilience

From teddy bears in windows to panic buying, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how crises can elicit different human behaviours. A University of Sydney expert is calling for a shift in thinking from 'me' to 'we' to bolster communities through the pandemic.
16 July 2021

Chinese investment in Australia consolidates to pre-mining boom levels

Chinese investment in Australia fell in value and number for the calendar year 2020 from the previous year. Investment value was down 26.8 percent to $2.5 billion from $3.4 billion in 2019, the lowest level since 2007, according to a new report by the University of Sydney and KPMG.
12 July 2021

Professor Suresh Cuganesan appointed to new Deputy Dean role

In his role as Deputy Dean, Professor Cuganesan will focus on developing transformative educational experiences and external partnerships to ensure all Business School students are in a position to thrive in an increasingly complex world.