
08 March 2021

Meet our new UN Women Australia MBA scholarship recipients

How did the pandemic spur two women leaders to further study? We sat down with Dr Kudzai Kanhutu and Katherine Passmore (recipients of the UN Women Australia MBA Scholarship) to discuss.
08 March 2021

An international trade perspective on user pays road network charges

James Bushell posits that if the road sector is subsidised by the wider economy in a non-equitable way, this could become an area of trade risk for Australia if it is seen as inconsistent with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.
02 March 2021

Motive trumps incentive advertising in persuading consumers

Experts say advertising campaigns need to model positive internal motivation rather than external reasons like reward or punishment if they are to be effective.
18 February 2021

What experts think of Facebook's news ban

Facebook has banned the sharing of news content in Australia. University of Sydney experts in computer science, media, business and health comment on the implications of the decision.  
11 February 2021

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The 11th of February is the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science: a day that recognises the achievements of women in science and aims to encourage women and girls to pursue studies and careers in STEMM.
09 February 2021

Potential for misuse of climate data a threat to business and financial markets

Climate information is at risk of being misconstrued and used inappropriately in financial reports and has the potential to expose businesses to significant risk, according to a new paper by Australian researchers.
05 February 2021

There’s never been a better time to do a graduate certificate or graduate diploma

At the University of Sydney Business School we offer a range of postgraduate diplomas and certificates across a variety of disciplines. Find out why there’s never been a better time to upskill in the subject that interests you.

02 February 2021

How universities will contribute to the major events of 2021

University of Sydney Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Duncan Ivison discusses how universities will contribute to the major themes of 2021 - from COVID to climate.
01 February 2021

Millennials aren't the only 'burnout generation' (just ask the rest of us)

COVID has been accompanied by a seemingly permanent state of angst. But it is not just a pandemic that has many experiencing burnout, writes Dr Steven Hitchcock from the University of Sydney Business School.
01 February 2021

Benefitting from Covid-19

We should try to take advantage of the worldwide disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic to establish new paradigms around what we value beyond pure monetary goals, writes Dr Alastair Stone.