
Transformative impact of the Change Maker Scholarship for future leaders

2 August 2024
James Oen, Bachelor of Commerce (Dalyell)
From academic excellence to community leadership, discover how the undergraduate scholarship inspired James to drive positive change.

As a final-year Bachelor of Commerce student at the University of Sydney Business School, James Oen is actively shaping a future where he combines academic prowess with community service and leadership. Majoring in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Marketing, James has thrived in the university's challenging environment, thanks in part to the prestigious University of Sydney Business School Change Maker Scholarship.

A catalyst for success

James Oen holding a medal

The Change Maker Scholarship, awarded to James for his outstanding academic achievements, community involvement, leadership potential, and passion for business, has been more than just a financial boost. "Receiving this scholarship was a catalyst for many other achievements," James reflects. "It helped me believe that I can make a positive change in our world."

James has consistently demonstrated academic excellence, an essential pillar of the Change Maker Scholarship. His engagement in class and dedication to projects earned him the Client’s Choice Award for SIEN2001 and Certificates of Excellence for SIEN1000 and SIEN1001. He was invited to showcase his SIEN1000 final individual project at the Engage Asia Symposium. His hard work paid off when he scored 1st out of 146 students in his Strategic Management class, securing his place in the top 10% of the Business School and joining the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society.

Leadership in action

Driven by a passion for creating positive social impact, James has been actively involved in community service. As a consultant and IT Director at 180 Degrees Consulting, he provided pro-bono consulting services for non-profit organisations. His dedication extended to mentoring roles in the Indonesian Students Society and the Business School Peer Mentoring Program, where he guided over ten first-year students in integrating into university life.

James's leadership potential has been evident through his founding of the University Network for Influencers and Creators (UNIC). As President, he led a team of nine student executives to successfully host seven events, growing the club to over 140 members within two semesters. UNIC provides students with valuable content creation skills and connects them with professional creators.

The scholarship set me apart in competitive internships, including my time at PwC Strategy. It’s a key talking point in interviews that has helped me make a strong first impression.
James Oen

Career impact and advice for new students

James Oen being awarded the medal from Suresh Cuganesan

Reflecting on his journey, James believes the scholarship significantly enhanced his career prospects, helping him stand out in competitive internships, such as his strategy consulting internship at PwC Strategy.

"The scholarship is something I can always talk about in interviews, which helped in making a good first impression," he says.

James hopes to inspire future students to seek scholarship opportunities and maximize their time at the University of Sydney. "Don’t be scared to dream big," he advises. "We can make a positive change in our world."

James Oen's story is a testament to how scholarships can empower students to excel academically, contribute to their communities, and develop as leaders. His journey underscores the importance of seizing opportunities and striving for excellence in all endeavours.

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