Interview tips

Interview tips

Helping you prepare for your next interview

The job interview is your opportunity to talk about how your skills, knowledge, experience and interests align with the role and the organisation.

The purpose of a resume is to win an interview, and the purpose of an interview is to win the job! The interviewer will be gauging if you have the potential to do the job, the motivation to perform well, and the ability to fit into the organisational culture. You’ll be finding out about the responsibilities of the role and if the organisation is the right fit for you.

On this page

Interview resources

Types of interviews

There is no single interview format that all interviewers follow, as it will depend on the industry, role and type of employment. 

Interview preparation

Photo of people at table in interview setting.

The key to successful performance at an interview is preparation. You will feel a lot more confident if you understand the organisation and can anticipate questions based on the role description. Here are some key tips for preparing for your next interview.

Interview formats

Sample interview questions

Negotiating salary

Timing is everything: do your research and wait until the proposed salary is introduced into the conversation by the prospective employer at the interview.

Discussing your salary expectations can be awkward if you’re not prepared. Negotiations can be easier if you’re aware of the average salary range within your industry and for your level of experience.

Practice and build your skills with Interview360

Interview360 is a free service for all enrolled students and graduates within five years of course completion at the University of Sydney. You can use it to practise your interview technique and receive feedback and tips.

