
Terms and conditions

Important information for your enrolment with CET

Before acccepting your offer, please make sure you read the important information contained in your offer letter. Once you have accepted, it is your written agreement with CET and a copy should be kept by you (3.3.8).

References in brackets refer to the ESOS Act 2000 National Code 2018 Standards. Official Australian Government material relating to the ESOS framework (2.1.9) and regulations concerning education of international students can be found on their ESOS Framework page.

1. Requirements and pre-requisites for course entry (1.2.3)

a. All CET courses have minimum English language requirements as prerequisites necessary to enter the course or courses.

b. Details of these prerequisites may be found at the relevant course page.

c. Advanced Skills for Academic Success (ASAS), and Graduate Academic Skills (GAS) also require an unconditional Offer from the University of Sydney as a course prerequisite.

d. Direct Entry Course (DEC) also requires a conditional Offer from the University of Sydney as a course prerequisite.

2. Satisfactory attendance (2.1.8, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15)

a. CET monitors daily attendance of all English students to ensure that all students meet the attendance requirements (a minimum of 80% attendance).

b. Failure to meet attendance requirements can result in cancellation of enrolment.

c. Please review the CET Student Attendance and Suspension Process (pdf, 196KB), which outlines the attendance requirements.

3. Student misconduct (2.1.8)

a. During your CET course, if you engage in conduct that constitutes a breach of the Student Charter 2020, or otherwise constitutes misconduct, CET may impose a penalty on you in accordance with Centre for English Teaching – Student Discipline Provisions 2017 (pdf, 237KB) including cancellation of your enrolment.

b. Student conduct expectations and the process for alleged breach of conduct, and penalties are outlined in the CET Student Discipline Provisions (pdf, 237KB).

4. Course progress (2.1.8)

a. Please review the CET Student Progress Policy (pdf, 222KB) for information on the steps taken if you do not meet the progression requirements of your CET English course.

5. Location, class size, term dates, hours of tuition and fees (2.1.3, 2.1.5)

Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, classes are currently online until further notice.

a. Any course at the Centre for English Teaching that is appropriate for a Student Visa applicant has a maximum class size (teacher-student ratio) of 18.

b. Centre for English Teaching courses for which a Student Visa may not be issued, such as group programs, might have a larger class size.

c. Classes are held on the main campus of the University of Sydney.

d. Classes are generally 4 hours per day (20 hours per week) face-to-face and may be held each morning, each afternoon, or each evening at the sole discretion of CET.

e. Additional learning material and activities are available offline and online.

f. Classes are not held at weekends, on public holidays, or during the University closedown period at the end/beginning of every year. Therefore the number of course weeks might be more than the number of teaching weeks.

g. Term dates are listed on the CET website.

h. Your course dates are printed on your Letter of Offer.

i. The Centre for English Teaching reserves the right to review courses, term dates, hours of tuition and fees at any time without notice.

j. We will notify you of any changes prior to the commencement of your course.

6. Minimum entry age (5.1)

a. Students should be at least 18 years old by the course start date.

b. Applications from students aged less than 18 years old may be considered if welfare and accommodation arrangements are in place in conformity with the University of Sydney’s Under 18 International Students Policy 2016Australian Government conditions apply.

7. Participation in activities and excursions

a. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you understand and agree that:

  1. The University of Sydney and the Centre for English Teaching (CET) do not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever if you become ill or injured or if any of your belongings become lost, damaged or destroyed while you are on an excursion or travelling to or from an excursion.
  2. If you participate in any activities while on excursion (for example, swimming), then you do so at your own risk. You acknowledge that you are responsible for assessing your own level of skill for undertaking any particular activity.
  3. Neither the University of Sydney nor CET is under any obligation to insure you or your property against any risks while you are on an excursion. Excursion insurance is your responsibility if you require it.
  4. If you become ill or injured while on an excursion and are unable to give your specific consent, then first aid or other emergency or temporary care may be administered to you.
  5. You waive any right to claim against the University of Sydney or CET for anything specified in this section of these Terms and Conditions.
  6. If any of your family members accompany you on an excursion, then the same conditions as set out above also apply to them as a condition of their participation.
  7. Since excursions are an integral part of face-to-face teaching and learning, missing an excursion will affect your attendance percentage for the course.

8. Permission for photography and video-recording

a. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you understand and agree that:

  1. The University of Sydney and CET may use photos/videos of you in promotional materials in a variety of media including the internet and these may be given to or used by a 3rd party.

b. In the event you do not want your photos/videos to be used by the University of Sydney, CET or a 3rd party it is your responsibility to inform CET personnel at the time photos/videos are being taken.

9. Accommodation costs and the cost of living in Australia (2.1.11)

a. Information and guidance on living options for student residences, both on- and off-campus, including homestay accommodation options, can be found on the student accommodation page.

b. Information about the cost of living in Australia can be found on the Study Australia page.

10. Health Insurance

a. If you are intending to study under a student visa, you will need Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). CET can arrange OSHC for you with Bupa as part of the CET application process.

b. You may also arrange your own health cover, providing evidence of this when you apply for your Student Visa from any of the government approved providers. A current list of these providers can be found on the government's Overseas Student Health Cover page.

c. Please note that if you are intending to study under a visa other than a student visa, you must have adequate travel and medical insurance in case of mishap, accident, or illness.

d. If you arrange your own OSHC, please upload your OSHC certificate during the online enrolment process.

11. Providing Contact Details to CET (3.5)

a. You must, while in Australia and studying with CET, notify CET of your contact details including:

  1. Your current residential address, mobile number (if any) and email address (if any)
  2. Who to contact in emergency situations
  3. Any changes to those details, within 7 days of the change.

12. Collecting, Using, and Reporting Your Information (3.3.6)

a. In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, we advise that personal information about you is collected from your application and during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2018; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally.

b. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

c. Information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment may be disclosed by CET to the University, the Commonwealth including the TPS, or state or territory agencies, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

d. In other instances, information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.

13. Cancellations, Deferrals, Refunds, and Transfers (9.3.2, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3)

a. Student-initiated course cancellation

  1. To be eligible for a refund (less applicable administrative charges), you must provide notice to CET, at least two (2) working days prior to the course start date. This is the minimum notice period for withdrawal from the CET course prior to the course commencement date.

b. Late arrival of student

  1. You must notify CET directly or through your agent if you are unable to start your course on time. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your enrolment and you may not be entitled to a refund of the fees paid. Missed classes will not be refunded.

c. Course deferral

  1. Deferral of a course must be communicated to CET at least two working days prior to the course start date.
  2. If you cancel a deferred course, to be eligible for a refund (80% of fees paid excluding the administration fee), you must provide notice to CET, at least two (2) working days prior to the course start date, to withdraw from the English course prior to the course commencement.

d. Applying for a Refund

  1. To claim a refund of fees, please use the Transfer of Fees/Refund Form available from CET Reception or by contacting cet.finance@sydney.edu.au. Requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation.

e. Visa Rejection

  1. CET will refund your tuition and other fees if your visa is rejected. You must notify CET in writing immediately and provide documentation. You must also notify CET if you are unable to obtain a visa before the commencement of the course.

f. Cancellation more than one month before course start date

  1. If you cancel your enrolment more than one month before the course commencement date, you will receive a refund of 100% of fees paid excluding the administration fee.

g. Cancellation less than one month before course start date

  1. If you cancel your enrolment less than one month before the course commencement date, you will receive a refund of 80% of fees paid excluding the administration fee.

h. Cancellation after course start date

  1. Once the course has commenced you will not be eligible for a refund. (We define a course as the number of weeks you pay for).

i. Cancellation of Direct Entry Course

  1. Due to compliance and quality assurance, refunds or transfers cannot be granted for students studying in Direct Entry Courses (DEC) packaged with the University of Sydney.

j. Calculation of Refunds

  1. Transfers and refunds can only be made in 5 week blocks (modules/terms).
  2. Any debts to CET must be paid before any refund can be calculated with outstanding amounts being deducted from the refund.
  3. The administration fee is non-refundable.

k. Refund Process

  1. Where fees are paid on your behalf, CET reserves the right to notify that party.
  2. The refund will be made to the same person or party from whom the payment was received on your behalf.
  3. Refunds will be paid within six (6) weeks of receiving a written claim from you. The refund currency will be determined according to University policy.
  4. All refunds are sent to the original account from which we received the funds.

l. Transfer of fees

i. To a University of Sydney degree course

  1. When you transfer to a formal degree course at the University of Sydney you are eligible for a transfer of the remainder of your CET fees (if any).
  2. Note: This is not applicable to DEC students.
  3. We charge an administration fee of up to AUD$200 for this service.

ii. To another institution

  1. Please note, by law, CET is not obliged to agree to a transfer of money if you transfer to another institution.
  2. If you transfer to a formal degree or diploma course at another university, TAFE or college, CET may, at its sole discretion, transfer, to that institution, of up to 80% of the remainder of your fees.
  3. Both CET and the other institution must approve the transfer.
  4. You should request a transfer on the CET transfer form available on request from cet.finance@sydney.edu.au.
  5. You must present CET with your confirmed offer from the other institution before you leave CET.
  6. You may need a release letter from CET.
  7. CET will notify Immigration, if necessary, that you have changed providers.
  8. No refund will be made to another student, or if you transfer to another ELICOS provider.

m. Cancellation or Suspension due to non-payment of fees

  1. CET may suspend or cancel a student’s enrolment including, but not limited to, on the basis of: the student’s failure to pay an amount he or she was required to pay the registered provider to undertake or continue the course as stated in the written agreement.

14. Provider Default (3.4.4)

a. If CET cannot provide or complete delivery of your course

  1. In the unlikely event that CET is unable to deliver or complete the delivery of your course, and is unable to place you in a suitable alternative course in CET or with another ELICOS provider, a full refund of the remainder of your CET fees (if any) will be made within four (4) weeks of course start date.

b. Tuition Protection Service

  1. The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is a placement and refund service for international students. Visit the TPS website for more information.

15. Making a Complaint or Appeal (3.3.7, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3)

a. Internal Complaints

i. Internal formal complaints can be lodged by sending an email to studentaffairs@sydney.edu.au that includes:

  1. Your full name (given name, family name)
  2. Your CET student ID (please indicate that you are a CET student)
  3. The course in which you are enrolled (e.g. DEC15 or Global English)
  4. Your University UniKey (if known)
  5. Details of your complaint

b. Internal Complaints Appeal Process

i. Details are under “complaints” on the policies page.

16. External Complaints and Appeal Processes

a. If the complaint has not been resolved, contact NSW Government Ombudsman: by telephone at +61 2 9286 1000 or by a contact method listed on the Ombudsman website.

b. You may also contact Department of Education and Training by telephone: + 61 1300 566 046.

17. Consumer Rights (3.4.5)

a. This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.