Bachelor of Education (Primary) - Practical experience - The University of Sydney
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Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Practical experience

About the practical experience

Professional Experience (practice teaching) is integral to the Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree. In each year of the degree program, students will be placed in schools with experienced teachers to observe and engage in classroom activities, thereby developing their knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching practice. Observation visits to schools begin in Year 1, followed by professional experience placements lasting 20-25 days each year, culminating in a 35-days final placement during the final semester of study.

The Office of Professional Experience is responsible for organising professional experience placements for students in partnerships with schools. Experienced teacher mentors are allocated to support students during their professional experience placements. Opportunities are available for students to undertake professional experience in regional schools during the degree.

Requirements for completion

Students are required to complete 80 days of professional experience in schools to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Block placements occur in the second, third, and fourth years of the degree. In the second year, students are paired and undertake 20 days of professional experience, during which they familiarize themselves with school and student contexts while developing confidence and teaching competencies. In the third year, students complete 25 days of professional experience, working more independently under the guidance of their school-based supervising teachers. In the fourth year, students undertake 35 days of final placements during the second semester, where they are responsible for teaching up to 60% of the teacher's workload. Students are assessed against the criteria outlined in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and must meet these criteria during their placements.

Contacts and further information

See the Sydney School of Education and Social Work website for location and contact details, including counter opening hours for the Office of Professional Engagement and Program Support.
