Diversity Studies - Unit of study table (Table S) - The University of Sydney
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Diversity Studies

Unit of study table (Table S)

Diversity Studies minor

A minor in Diversity Studies requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 6 credit points of 1000-level core units of study
(ii) 6 credit points of 1000-level selective units of study
(iii) 6 credit points of 2000-level core units of study
(iv) 6 credit points of 2000-level selective units of study
(v) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units of study
(vi) 6 credit points of 3000-level selective units of study
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

1000 level units of study

Race, Diversity, Difference
Culture, Power, Identity
Sex, Gender, Culture
Becoming Anthropologists
6 N ANTH1003

2000 level units of study

Representing Race and Gender
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level including 6 credit points from Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Diversity Studies, Sociology, Social Policy, Anthropology, Media Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Education, Political Economy, Psychology, Social Work, Politics, Geography, International Relations, European Studies, Asian Studies, American Studies or Law.
Bodies, Sexualities, Identities
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level including 6 credit points from Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Media Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Education, Political Economy, Psychology, Social Work, or Law
N WMST2007
Youth and Youth Culture
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level including 6 credit points from Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Media Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Education, Political Economy, Psychology, Social Work, Law, or American Studies
N WMST2012
Race, Racisms, and Antiracisms
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Anthropology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Diversity Studies
N ANTH2117
Sociology of Exclusion
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Sociology
N SCLG2604 or SCLG2635 or SCLG3606
Life-course Perspectives on Development
6 P 48 credit points including (SCLG1001 and SCLG1002) or (12 credit points of SCLG1U01) or (12 credit points of 1000 level units in Diversity Studies)
N SCWK2004
Social Perspectives on Mental Health
6 P 48 credit points including (SCLG1001 and SCLG1002) or (12 credit points of SCLG1U01) or (12 credit points of 1000 level units in Diversity Studies)
N SCWK2005

3000 level units of study

Cultural Politics of Difference
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Gender Studies or Cultural Studies
Gender, Communities and Belonging
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Gender Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Cultural Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies
Bodies and Social Worlds
Gender, Security, and Human Rights
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in International Relations or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 or 3000 level from Government and International Relations
N GOVT2336
Aboriginal and TSI Politics and Policy
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Politics or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Indigenous Studies or 12 senior credit points from Government and International Relations
Race, Racism and Indigenous Australia
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Indigenous Studies or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies
Making Social Policy
6 P 12 credit points at 2000 level in Social Policy or 12 credit points at 2000 level in Diversity Studies