Psychology - The University of Sydney
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This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 24 February 2025.
View details of the changes below.

The School of Psychology is part of the Faculty of Science. Units of study in this program are available at standard level, except for PSYC2015 Brain and Behavioural Psychology (available at advanced level in PSYC2915), and PSYC3011 Learning and Behaviour (available at advanced level in PSYC3911), PSYC3013 Perceptual Systems (available at advanced level in PSYC3913), PSYC3014 Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (available at advanced level in PSYC3914) and PSYC3016 Developmental Psychology (available at advanced level in PSYC3916).

Mathematics prerequisites and Mathematics Learning Support

In 2024, some mathematics prerequisites  for undergraduate students commencing in Semester 1 2025 were removed.

It has been identified that this curriculum component (Program, Major or Minor) has been affected. To ensure success, make sure you are aware of the required level of mathematics (assumed knowledge) for this curriculum component. Visit the mathematics learning support webpage, to understand your pathway to success, including the sequence of units you should complete and the support services available.

About the program

Psychology is both a profession and a science. That is, psychological phenomena are investigated using the scientific method, and the outcomes of these investigations are applied to diverse professional settings (e.g. treatment of mental illness, job selection, health promotion, education policy, etc.).

When you study psychology, you will cover a range of areas including behavioural neuroscience, personality theory, social influences on the behaviour of individuals and groups, forensic psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, memory, attention, intelligence, sensory processes and perception, research methods, and theories of learning and motivation.

Accreditation and higher degree research

Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes. Professional training is available at the postgraduate level. The research activities of the School cover all of the main branches of the discipline. Extensive information about the subject and the school is available on the School of Psychology website.

The Psychology Program is designed to both meet the requirements for accreditation so that students can engage in further training to become registered and practising psychologists AND/OR prepare students for higher degree research in one or more of the areas of Psychological Science.

Requirements for completion

The Psychology program requirements are listed in the Psychology unit of study table.

Contact and further information

W Study psychology
T +61 2 9351 7327

School of Psychology
Brennan MacCallum (A18)
The University of Sydney NSW 2006

Dr Rebecca Pinkus
T +61 2 9351 6304

Learning outcomes

Students who graduate from Psychology will be able to:

No. Learning outcome
1 Critique the major theories of core disciplines within the psychological sciences.
2 Apply and evaluate both foundation and advanced research methods in Psychology including research design, data analysis and interpretation, and the appropriate use of technologies.
3 Select, critically evaluate and synthesise information from appropriate research and literature and communicate findings in scientific research reports, essays, presentations and other media.
4 Apply psychological concepts to personal, social, and professional issues, and across cultural and social boundaries.
5 Plan, design, carry out and interpret experimental research in Psychology, utilising deep knowledge in the principles of statistics and experimental design.
6 Address authentic problems in psychology and behavioural sciences, working professionally and ethically and with consideration of cross-cultural perspectives, within collaborative, interdisciplinary teams.
7 Recognise and apply the ethical standards of the discipline and profession, demonstrating an understanding of the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity, and the value of empirical evidence.

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment

Contacts and further information section published as:


Dr Daniel Costa
T +61 2 9351 6304

Contacts and further information section amended to:


Dr Rebecca Pinkus
T +61 2 9351 6304