Wellbeing and support

Wellbeing and support

Find support with all aspects of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) life, from administration to wellbeing

Wellbeing and support

Find support with all aspects of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) life, from administration to wellbeing

HDR studies are richly rewarding, but there’s no question that they can also be challenging.

We encourage you to prioritise your own health, safety and wellbeing above all else. This section connects you with the huge range of supports available to help you do just that.

This page also covers the administrative and academic support options available to you throughout your candidature.

Health and wellbeing support

Prospective student support


The Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC) provides support from enrolment through to graduation. 

Call HDRAC on +61 2 7255 1565 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or email the relevant contact below for your faculty, school or query.

HDRAC faculty contacts

Contact HDRAC for advice on changes in candidature, enrolment, suspension, extensions, mode of attendance, thesis submission and examination, progress evaluation meetings or the Research Education Candidature System (RECS).

Phone them on +61 2 7255 1565 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Or email the relevant contact for your faculty, school or query. 

Faculty/school Email address
Faculty of Science
The University of Sydney Business School
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Sydney Law School
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Medicine and Health hdrac.4@sydney.edu.au


For enquiries regarding mandatory training modules, declaration of external interests or Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) applications contact hdrac.ops@sydney.edu.au


For enquiries relating to stipend management, contact hdrac.scholarships@sydney.edu.au

Faculty/School HDR support

Your faculty or school provides discipline-specific support for your HDR journey. Learn about local induction arrangements and Research Education team contacts. 

Complaints and academic appeals


You can make a complaint or report any issue of concern through the University’s established complaints process.

Academic appeals

If you believe you have valid reason to appeal an academic decision that affects you, you have access to the University’s academic appeals process.

Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) can also assist you to navigate the process and offer representation and advocacy as required.


Safer Communities Office

The Safer Communities Office has specialist staff trained to support and assist people who have experienced sexual misconduct, family or domestic violence, bullying, harassment or modern slavery.

Student misconduct

All students of the University are expected to behave appropriately and respectfully at all times. Inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour by a student may be considered student misconduct, and the University has clear procedures in place to address this.

Specialised support