
26 May 2017

Students offer clever solutions to Accenture’s Technology team

Four students undertaking their industry placement at Accenture have been developing data analytics and automation tools for their client’s operational applications.

25 May 2017

Animal welfare on our farms is more than chicken feed

By infusing chicken feed with Vitamin K1, researchers from the University of Sydney together with industry partner, Agricure are making chickens healthier, more productive and able to lay nutrient-rich eggs.

24 May 2017

Human trials move wonder gel closer to market

The unique gel can be injected into the body to help regenerate damaged tissue such as bones and cartilage. After only five years of development, this patented university-researched biomedical technology will go to human trials.

19 May 2017

Engineering world authority honoured for lifetime work

Exceptional lifetime contributions to the field of geotechnical engineering have earned retired School of Civil Engineering Emeritus Professor Harry Poulos top honours on the international stage.
16 May 2017

New low-cost 3D-printed prosthetic hand will help more amputees

The high cost, limited usefulness, poor fit and comfort, and deficient device training for new prosthetic devices mean that many recipients are unable to take advantage of new technologies.

02 May 2017

A week in PNG brought my thesis to life

Papua New Guinea (PNG), in the southwestern Pacific, is best known for its dense rainforest, coral reefs and the Kokoda Trail. It's likely not somewhere you'd expect a university student to be keen to do his industry experience.

02 May 2017

5 minutes with Seamus Thomson

University of Sydney PhD biomedical engineering candidate, Seamus Thomson secured a 10-week internship with NASA's Ames Research in California in 2016 and was asked to continue for a further year after he impressed the team.

28 April 2017

Novel sensors to detect disease and new generation wearable devices

Two outstanding researchers have received fellowships: to develop sensors for disease and contamination detection, and create a new generation of wearable devices and membranes from novel carbon nanomaterials.

26 April 2017

Innovative expert in transport engineering joins faculty

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies has attracted leading transportation engineer and analyst Professor David Levinson to the School of Civil Engineering.

24 April 2017

Novel clean technology set to hit the global market

A revolutionary new clean technology is set to hit the global market, thanks to a partnership between University of Sydney engineers and clean technology pioneer Hazer Group.