

25 February 2021

Benefits of team building exercises jeopardised if not truly voluntary

Zoom dress up parties and 'trust falls' - team building has become the go-to tool for managers trying to increase rapport and productivity, but many employees resent compulsory bonding, often regarding it as the bane of their workplace existence.
18 February 2021

What experts think of Facebook's news ban

Facebook has banned the sharing of news content in Australia. University of Sydney experts in computer science, media, business and health comment on the implications of the decision.  
11 February 2021

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The 11th of February is the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science: a day that recognises the achievements of women in science and aims to encourage women and girls to pursue studies and careers in STEMM.
02 February 2021

How universities will contribute to the major events of 2021

University of Sydney Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Duncan Ivison discusses how universities will contribute to the major themes of 2021 - from COVID to climate.
02 February 2021

Sydney and Melbourne increasingly divided at homeownership level

Sydney and Melbourne are becoming divided at the home ownership level, with renters clustering with renters and homeowners with homeowners, new research reveals.