
02 May 2022

Sensor bracelet designed to give back control to hand-impaired

Australian researchers are developing a 3D printed bracelet to allow people living with hand-impairment to easily use computers and play video games.
14 April 2022

Silicon-carbide modulator overcomes decades long 'missing block'

A collaboration with Harvard University has led to the development of a new-generation electro-optic modulator that could stamp out its bulky predecessor through the creation of a smaller, stronger, cooler, faster and cost-effective on-chip system.
13 April 2022

How healthy and safe are processed plant-based meat alternatives?

Processed meat alternatives like plant-based burger patties, sausages and nuggets are being marketed as a more sustainable, healthy alternative to meat, but are they all safe or nutritious?
05 April 2022

Wind turbines, helicopters, weather and why turbulence matters

Analysing the turbulence in a gently flowing river might spoil the poetry of the moment. But if that gentle flow becomes a destructive torrent, understanding its behaviour becomes crucial. Professor Ben Thornber is working to make that complex task much easier.

24 March 2022

Why study software engineering at Sydney

Ideal for creative and analytical thinkers, studying software engineering will teach you how to develop and advance software to meet the digital needs of a wide range of industries.
22 March 2022

Sydney road networks could influence COVID spread, study shows

All roads lead to COVID, but some are more susceptible than others, a world-first study by Australian researchers has revealed.
18 March 2022

Net Zero Initiative to accelerate decarbonisation agenda

The Net Zero Initiative harnesses the University's research expertise to develop new technologies and systems to support the world's decarbonisation.
18 March 2022

The Sydney Harbour Bridge turns 90

Saturday, March 19 marks the 90th anniversary of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was conceived by engineering alumnus Sir John Bradfield. Sydney experts from a range of disciplines comment on its enduring legacy.
16 March 2022

Biodigester to convert waste into compost at University of Sydney

A cutting-edge biodigester has been installed at the University of Sydney, for odour-free processing of organic waste into compost for use on campus.
10 March 2022

University of Sydney launches School of Project Management

The Faculty of Engineering's new School of Project Management was launched in front of research and industry partners.