Centre for IoT and Telecommunications - Faculty of Engineering
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Centre for IoT and Telecommunications

Fostering outstanding research in telecommunication networks

We are pioneering advanced, industry-supported wireless communications and networking research, focusing on new areas including 5G mobile, Internet of Things, signal processing for communication, advanced coding and quantum imaging.

The Centre for IoT and Telecommunications within the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering was established with the vision of carrying out innovative collaborative academic and industry-sponsored research in wireless communications and networking. It is led by ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Branka Vucetic and currently has eight academic staff.

Our research expertise expands into exciting new fields including the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G wireless cellular communications, industry internet, wireless sensor networks and quantum coding, while maintaining our active collaborations with world-renowned institutes and industry partners.

In collaboration with industry partners, our researchers have developed a software-defined 5G network platform with an extensive library of communications algorithms and network protocols.

The platform leverages the concept of network slicing to design and develop a flexible, adaptable, and programmable 5G architecture that will support a variety of use cases in vertical industries such as automotive, healthcare, manufacturing, energy grids, and media, each with its specific requirements.  

The Centre is also equipped with six advanced ABB industry robots. We have used them to demonstrate robot-based automation in warehouses, recycling, and meat processing industries.  

Our research

We cover a broad range of research initiatives related to telecommunications engineering, with our key research focusing on the areas of wireless engineering, wireless networking and the Internet of Things.

Centre Director

Professor Branka Vucetic
Academic profile

Deputy Director

Professor Abbas Jamalipour
Academic profile

Research Director

Professor Yonghui Li
Professor Yonghui Li
Academic profile

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