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Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Advanced coursework unit of study table

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 25 June 2024.
View details of the changes below.
Students completing a Bachelor of Advanced Studies combined degree with advanced coursework in Economics must complete a minimum of 24 credit points from this table, including:
(i) 12 credit points of advanced coursework project units.


Unit of study
Credit points
A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

Advanced coursework units of study

Advanced Microeconomic Policy
6 P ECOS3997 or ECMT3997 or ECON3999 or ECON3998
Advanced Macroeconomic Policy
6 P ECOS3997 or ECMT3997 or ECON3999 or ECON3998
N ECOS3902 or ECON4902 or ECON4910 or ECON4915
The Economics of Corporate Finance
6 P ECOS3997 or ECMT3997 or ECON3999 or ECON3998
Economics of Program Evaluation
6 P ECOS3997 or ECMT3997 or ECON3999 or ECON3998
Adv Machine Learning for Business Insights
6 A Students are assumed to be familiar with Statistical Modelling, Optimisation and Machine Learning
P Students must meet the entry requirements for the Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Advanced Coursework), including completion of a pass undergraduate degree and a relevant major including (QBUS3600 or ECMT3185)

Advanced coursework project units of study

Economics Project A
6 P ECOS3997 or ECMT3997 or ECON3999 or ECON3998
Economics Project B
6 P ECOS4206

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment

Requirements published as:

Advanced coursework requires completion of a minimum of 24 credit points, including:

i) a research, community, industry or entrepreneurship project of at least 12  and up to 36 credit points

Requirements corrected to:

Students completing a Bachelor of Advanced Studies combined degree with advanced coursework in Economics must complete a minimum of 24 credit points from this table, including:

(i) 12 credit points of advanced coursework project units.


25/06/2024 Page title published as:
Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Advanced Studies
Page title amended to:
Bachelor of Economics and Advanced Studies