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Bachelor of Advanced Computing

Unit of study table

Bachelor of Advanced Computing

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Advanced Computing, a candidate must complete 192 credit points, comprising:
(a) 84 credit points of degree core units of study as set out in the table below;
(b) A major (48 credit points) from the list of majors from the table below;
(c) At least 24 credit points of 4000-level or higher electives from the table below;
(d) (Optionally) up to 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees;
(e) (Optionally) a minor of 36 credit points or a second major of 48 credit points from Table S or Table A;
(f) Where appropriate, additional elective units from the table below or Table S in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.

Bachelor of Computing

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Computing, a candidate must complete 144 credit points, comprising:
(a) 78 credit points of degree core units as set out in the table below;
(b) A major (48 credit points) from the list of majors from the table below;
(c) (Optionally) up to 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees;
(d) (Optionally) a minor of 36 credit points from Table S or Table A; or a second major from Table A
(e) Where appropriate, additional elective units from Table S or the table below.


The available streams in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing are:
Achievement of the Dalyell stream requires:
(i) Completion of 12 credit points of Dalyell units as set out in Table S;
(ii) Admission on the basis of ATAR or first year WAM as determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies;
(iii) Maintenance of the required WAM as determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies.


Table A majors available in this course are:
Computer Science
Computational Data Science
Software Development
Requirements from the majors are listed in the Majors tabs in this Handbook.


Table A minors available in this course are:
Computer Science
Computational Data Science
Software Development
Requirements from the minors are listed alongside the major requirements in the Majors tabs in this Handbook.


Entry into the Honours pathway is via application. Admission to the program requires a WAM of at least 65 and completion of at least one Table A major.
To be eligible for the award of Honours in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing, a candidate must complete the Honours pathway comprising 24 credit points of research-related units as listed below, and meet the performance levels as specified in clause 10 of the degree resolutions.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

Degree Core

The degree core units of study required for this course are listed below. Candidates who exit at the third year do not complete the 4000-level degree core units and graduate with a Bachelor of Computing.
1000-level units of study
Foundations of Data Science
6 A Year 10 mathematics or equivalent
N DATA1901 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or MATH1115 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or ECMT1010 or BUSS1020 or STAT1021
Foundations of Data Science (Adv)


A Year 10 Mathematics or equivalent; An ATAR of 95 or more
N MATH1005 or MATH1905 or ECMT1010 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or DATA1001 or MATH1115 or MATH1015 or STAT1021
Introduction to Computer Systems


A HSC Mathematics extension 1 or 2
Introduction to Programming


N INFO1910 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or ENGG1810

Computing 1A Professionalism


N ENGG1805 or ENGG1111 or ENGD1000 or INFO5990

Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms


A A basic knowledge of Python is assumed. For most students, INFO1110 should have already been passed in Semester 1
C ELEC1601 and (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1103 or INFO1113)
Object-Oriented Programming


P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810
N INFO1103 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
Introduction to Programming (Advanced)


A ATAR sufficient to enter Dalyell program, or passing an online programming knowledge test, which will be administered during the O-week prior to the commencement of the semester
N INFO1110 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or ENGG1810
Mathematics 1A
6 A NSW HSC Extension 1 Mathematics or equivalent
N MATH1901 or MATH1902 or MATH1921 or MATH1906 or MATH1931 or MATH1001 or MATH1021 or MATH1961 or MATH1971 or MATH1002 or MATH1014
Mathematics 1A (Advanced)
6 A (HSC Mathematics Extension 2) or (Band E4 in HSC Mathematics Extensions 1) or equivalent
N MATH1901 or MATH1902 or MATH1921 or MATH1906 or MATH1931 or MATH1001 or MATH1021 or MATH1061 or MATH1971 or MATH1002 or MATH1014
Discrete Mathematics for Computation


A Coordinate geometry, basic integral and differential calculus, polynomial equations and algebraic manipulations, equivalent to HSC Mathematics
N MATH1004 or MATH1904 or MATH1964
Discrete Mathematics (Advanced)
6 A (HSC Mathematics Extension 2) or (Band E4 in HSC Mathematics Extension 1) or equivalent
N MATH1004 or MATH1904 or MATH1064
2000-level units of study
Data Structures and Algorithms


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or DATA1002 or DATA1902 or ENGG1810
N INFO1105 or INFO1905 or COMP2823
Data Structures and Algorithms (Adv)


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P Distinction level results in (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or DATA1002 or DATA1902 or ENGG1810)
N INFO1105 or INFO1905 or COMP2123
Computing 2 Usability and Security


P (INFO1103 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or INFO1113) and (INFO1111 or INFO1711 or ENGG1111 or ENGD1000 or ENGG1805)
Data and Information Management


A 6 credit points of MATH or STAT units or DATA1001
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002
N INFO2120 or INFO2820 or COMP5138
Agile Software Development Practices


P INFO1113 or INFO1103 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
N COMP9412
3000-level units of study
Computing 3 Management


P 12 credit points of 2000-level units
N INFO3402 or INFO6007
4000-level units of study
Computing 4 Innovation


A Students should have knowledge of several different aspects of computing at the 3000-level
P INFO3333
N INFO4990 or INFO5992

Honours Pathway core units

CS Research Thesis A


P Enrolment in BAC Honours
C INFO4990
INFO4911, INFO4912 and INFO4913 together form the Honours Research thesis. The thesis and presentation are for delivery in INFO4913
CS Research Thesis B


P Enrolment in BAC Honours
C INFO4911
INFO4911, INFO4912 and INFO4913 together form the Honours Research thesis. The thesis and presentation are for delivery in INFO4913
CS Research Thesis C


P Enrolment in BAC Honours
C INFO4912 and INFO4999
INFO4911, INFO4912 and INFO4913 together form the Honours Research thesis. The thesis and presentation are for delivery in INFO4913
Computer Science Research Methods


P Students must satisfy Honours admission requirements
N INFO4444 or INFO5993
Computer Science Honours Result

P Permission of the Head of Department

Students in the Honours pathway take INFO4911, INFO4912 and INFO4913 in place of 18 cp of 4000+ level electives, and INFO4990 in place of INFO4444.


1000-level units of study
IT Special Project 1A


IT Special Project 1B


2000-level units of study
Systems Programming
6 A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent); linear algebra (e.g. MATH1061 or equivalent)
P INFO1113 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or INFO1103
C COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
N COMP2129 or COMP9017 or COMP9129
Models of Computation


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or ENGG1810
C COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2922
Models of Computation (Adv)


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P Distinction level results in (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or ENGG1810)
C COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2022
Data Science, Big Data and Data Variety


P DATA1002 or DATA1902 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1903 or INFO1103 or ENGG1810
N DATA2901
Data Analytics: Learning from Data


A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)]
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2902
Big Data and Data Diversity (Advanced)


P 75% or above from (DATA1002 or DATA1902 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1903 or INFO1103 or ENGG1810)
N DATA2001
Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv)


A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P A mark of 65 or greater in (DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)])
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2002
Introduction to Health Data Science


A Basic knowledge of Entity Relationship Modelling, database technology and SQL
P (INFO1003 or INFO1903 or INFO1103 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or DATA1002 or DATA1902) and (DATA1001 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or BUSS1020)
C DATA2001 or DATA2901 or ISYS2120 or INFO2120 or INFO2820 or INFO1903
IT Special Project 2A


P [85% average in IT units of study in previous year] and [Permission from the School of CS]
IT Special Project 2B


P [85% average in IT units of study in previous year] and [Permission from the School of CS]
Analysis and Design of Web Info Systems


P INFO1113 or INFO1103 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
N INFO2110
Information Systems in the Internet Age


A INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1113
N ISYS2140
Software Construction and Design 1


P INFO1113 or INFO1103 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
N INFO3220 or COMP9201
3000-level units of study
Algorithm Design


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2007 or COMP2907 or COMP3927
Programming Languages and Paradigms


P (COMP2017 or COMP2129) and (COMP2022 or COMP2922)

Distributed Systems


P (INFO1105 or INFO1905) or ((INFO1103 or INFO1113) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823))
N COMP2121
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


A Data structures and algorithms as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823.
P INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1801 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902
N COMP3608
Graphics and Multimedia


A Programming skills
P COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905
Operating Systems Internals


P (COMP2017 or COMP2129) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)


A Data structures and algorithms as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823.
P (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902) and distinction-level results in at least one 2000-level COMP or MATH or SOFT unit
N COMP3308
COMP3308 and COMP3608 share the same lectures, but have different tutorials and assessment (the same type but more challenging).
Computer Science Project


P (INFO1110 or INFO1910) and INFO1113 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and COMP2017 and (COMP2022 or COMP2922)
N INFO3600 or COMP3600 or COMP3615 or COMP3988
Algorithm Design (Adv)


A Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P Distinction level results in COMP2123 or COMP2823
N COMP2007 or COMP2907 or COMP3027
Computer Science Project (Advanced)


P (INFO1110 or INFO1910) and INFO1113 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and COMP2017 and (COMP2022 or COMP2922) with Distinction level results in at least one of these units
N INFO3600 or COMP3615 or COMP3600 or COMP3888
Cybersecurity Engineering


P INFO1X10 and INFO1112 and INFO1113 and MATH1X64
N ELEC5616 or INFO2315 or INFO3616
Cybersecurity Project


P (INFO1110 or INFO1910) and INFO1113 and (COMP2017 or COMP2907) and ISYS2120
C ELEC3506
N INFO3600
Scalable Data Management


A This unit of study assumes that students have previous knowledge of database structures and of SQL. The prerequisite material is covered in DATA2001 or ISYS2120. Familiarity with a programming language (e.g. Java or C) is also expected
P DATA2001 or DATA2901 or ISYS2120 or INFO2120 or INFO2820
N INFO3504 or INFO3404
Human-in-the-Loop Data Analytics


A Basic statistics, database management, and programming
P (DATA2001 or DATA2901) and (DATA2002 or DATA2902)
Data Science Capstone


P DATA2001 or DATA2901 or DATA2002 or DATA2902 or STAT2912 or STAT2012

Industry and Community Projects


A Upper-level disciplinary knowledge. Required knowledge will vary by project.

Human-Computer Interaction
6 P 6 credit points of 1000-level programming units (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or ENGG1810) and 12 credit points of 2000-level units from BAdvComp Table A
Principles of Security and Security Eng


A (INFO1110 or INFO1910) and INFO1112 and INFO1113 and MATH1X64. Knowledge equivalent to the above units is assumed. This means good programming skills in Python or a C-related language, basic networking knowledge, and skills from discrete mathematics. A technical orientation is absolutely required, especially capacity to become familiar with new technology without explicit supervision
N ELEC5616 or INFO2315 or CSEC3616
IT Special Project 3A


P [85% average in IT units of study in previous year] and [Permission from the School of CS]
IT Special Project 3B


P [85% average in IT units of study in previous year] and [Permission from the School of CS]
Information Technology Evaluation


A MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1062 or DATA1001 or DATA1901
P (INFO2110 or ISYS2110) and (INFO2120 or ISYS2120) and (ISYS2140 or ISYS2160)
Information Systems Project


P (INFO1110 or INFO1910) and INFO1113 and (INFO2110 or ISYS2110) and (INFO2120 or ISYS2120) and (ISYS2140 or ISYS2160)
N INFO3600 or ISYS3207 or ISYS3400
Software Construction and Design 2


P SOFT2201
N INFO3220
Concurrency for Software Development


P COMP2017 or COMP2129
Software Development Project


A SOFT3202
P (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810) and INFO1113 and [18 credit points 2000-level or above units from SOFT or COMP or INFO]
N SOFT3413
4000-level units of study
Randomised and Advanced Algorithms
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP5270
Computational Geometry
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP5045
Natural Language Processing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Knowledge of an OO programming language as covered in INFO1113
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5046
Pervasive Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. ELEC1601 or COMP2129 or COMP2017. Any other background in programming and operating systems that is sufficient for the student to independently learn new programming tools from standard online technical materials
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5047
Visual Analytics
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823)
N COMP5048 or OCMP5048
Mobile Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and INFO1113
N COMP5216
Large Scale Networks
6 A A major in a computer science area. Algorithmic skills gained through units such as COMP2123 or COMP2823 or COMP3027 or COMP3927 or equivalent. Basic probability knowledge
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5313
Discrete Optimisation
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent) and Linear algebra (e.g. MATH1061 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP3530 or COMP5530
Machine Learning and Data Mining
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming and data structures as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823 or COMP9123 or equivalent. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent); linear algebra and calculus (e.g. MATH1061 or equivalent)
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5318 or OCMP5318
Advanced Machine Learning
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
C COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or [(INFO1110 or INFO1910 or Distinction result in ENGG1810) and Distinction results in MATHXXXX]
N COMP5328 or OCMP5328
Deep Learning
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or BMET2925)
N COMP5329 or OCMP5329
Advanced Data Models
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO2120 or INFO2820 or ISYS2120)
N COMP5338 or OCMP5338
Web Application Development
6 A A major in a computer science area. Foundation knowledge of JavaScript
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2120 and SOFT2412
N COMP5347
Enterprise Scale Software Architecture
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and SOFT2412 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905)
N COMP5348
Cloud Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Knowledge of OS concepts as covered in INFO1112
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902)
N COMP5349 or OCMP5349
Digital Media Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming skills as covered in INFO1113 or COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or other similar units
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5405 or COMP5114 or COMP9419
Multimedia Design and Authoring
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with software development as covered in SOFT2412
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5415
Advanced Network Technologies
6 A A major in a computer science area. COMP3221 or ELEC3506
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5416
Information Technology in Biomedicine
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5424
Multimedia Retrieval
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming skills as covered in INFO1113 or COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or other similar units
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5425
Parallel and Distributed Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5426 or OCMP5426
Usability Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5427
Empirical Security Analysis and Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (CSEC3616 or INFO3616 or ELEC5616)
N COMP5617 or OCMP5617
Applied Cybersecurity
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5618 or OCMP5618
Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N DATA5207
Health Technology Evaluation
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5003
Applied Healthcare Data Science
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5005
Foundations of Healthcare Data Science
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5006
Thesis A
6 P INFO3333 and {completion of the requirements of a major in Computational Data Science [DATA3888 and 12 credit points of (COMP3027 or COMP3927 or COMP3308 or COMP3608 or DATA3404 or DATA3406)] or Computer Science [(COMP3027 or COMP3927) and (COMP3888 or COMP3988) and 6 credit points of (COMP3109 or COMP3221 or COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP3419 or COMP3520)] or Cybersecurity (CSEC3616 and ELEC3506 and COMP3221 and CSEC3888) or Information Systems (ISYS3401 and (ISYS3402 or INFS3050) and ISYS3888) or Software Development [SOFT3202 and (SOFT3410 or INFO3315) and SOFT3888]}
Thesis B
6 P INFO4001
Enterprise Healthcare Information Systems
6 A ISYS2120
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N INFO5306
Services Science Management and Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2160
N INFO5991
Knowledge Management Systems
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2160
N ISYS5050
5000-level units of study
Video Intelligence and Compression
6 A Basic understanding of digital signal processing (filtering, DFT) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning
6 A Mathematics (e.g., probability and linear algebra) and programming skills (e.g. Matlab/Java/Python/C++)
Wireless Engineering
6 A Basic knowledge in probability and statistics, analog and digital communications, error probability calculation in communications channels, and telecommunications network
Mobile Networks
6 A ELEC3505 or ELEC9505 and ELEC3506 or ELEC9506. Basically, students need to know the concepts of data communications and mobile communications. If you are not sure, please contact the instructor
IoT Wireless Sensing and Networking
6 A ELEC3305 and ELEC3506 and ELEC3607 and ELEC5508
Computer and Network Security
6 A A programming language, basic maths
Software Quality Engineering
6 A Writing programs with multiple functions or methods in multiple files; design of complex data structures and combination in non trivial algorithms; use of an integrated development environment; software version control systems
Object Oriented Application Frameworks
6 A Java programming, and some web development experience are essential. Databases strongly recommended
Model Based Software Engineering
6 A A programming language, basic maths
Change Management in IT
6 A Basic knowledge of information systems as covered in (INFO6007 and COMP5206) or (ISYS2160 and INFO3333) (or equivalent UoS from different institutions)