Accounting - Unit of study table (Table S) - The University of Sydney
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Unit of study table (Table S)

Accounting major

Achievement of a major in Accounting requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units

Accounting minor

Achievement of a minor in Accounting requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level selective units
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

1000-level units of study

Accounting for Decision Making
6 N ACCT1001 or ACCT1002 or ACCT1003 or ACCT1004 or ACCT1005
Accounting and Financial Management
6 A HSC Mathematics
P BUSS1030 or ACCT1005
N ACCT1001 or ACCT1002 or ACCT1003 or ACCT1004

2000-level units of study

Reporting on Business Performance
6 P (ACCT1001 or ACCT1005 or BUSS1030) and (ACCT1002 or ACCT1006)
Accounting Analysis for Management Decisions
6 P (ACCT1001 or ACCT1005 or BUSS1030) and (ACCT1002 or ACCT1006)
N ACCT2012

3000-level units of study

Core (major only)
Reporting on Business Groups
6 P ACCT2011
Accounting and Auditing in Practice
6 A Students are expected to have an understanding of the key principles and rules of specified auditing standards, and be able to apply them in the context of business scenarios. Students are also expected to comprehend the form and content of published financial statements and be able to explain their function. All other requirements for the major or program associated with this capstone must be completed prior to or concurrently with (if enrolment rules permit) this unit of study. Capstones must be completed at the University of Sydney Business School only.
P Completion of at least 112 credit points including (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019) and ACCT3011
N ACCT3014
Selective (for major)
Financial Statement Analysis
6 P ACCT2011
Accounting Data Analytics
6 A Completion of INFS3110 (or INFS2001) is desirable
P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
Sustainability Management and Reporting
6 P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
Consulting for Management Control Systems

6 A Completion of the Unit Prerequisite should equip students with the necessary knowledge and competency to undertake this Unit
P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
International Corporate Governance
6 A Students are expected to have an understanding of the underlying principles and rules of accounting and be able to apply them in the context of business scenarios.
P BUSS1030
Australian Taxation System
6 P CLAW1003 or CLAW2201 or CLAW2214
Information Systems for Accountants
6 A INFS1000 or INFO1000 or INFO1003 or INFO1903
N INFS2001
Industry and Community Project
6 A BUSS1030 and BUSS1006 and (ACCT2011 or ACCT2019)
P 72 credit points
N BUSS3110 or BANK3400 or CLAW3400 or FINC3400 or IBUS3400 or INFS3400 or MKTG3400 or QBUS3400 or SIEN3400 or WORK3400 or WORK3401
Selective (for minor)
Reporting on Business Groups
6 P ACCT2011
Financial Statement Analysis
6 P ACCT2011
Accounting Data Analytics
6 A Completion of INFS3110 (or INFS2001) is desirable
P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
Sustainability Management and Reporting
6 P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
Consulting for Management Control Systems

6 A Completion of the Unit Prerequisite should equip students with the necessary knowledge and competency to undertake this Unit
P ACCT2011 and (ACCT2012 or ACCT2019)
International Corporate Governance
6 A Students are expected to have an understanding of the underlying principles and rules of accounting and be able to apply them in the context of business scenarios.
P BUSS1030