Marine Science major |
A major in Marine Science requires 48 credit points from this table including: | |||
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level selective units | |||
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units | |||
(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level core units | |||
(iv) 6 credit points of 3000-level core interdisciplinary project units | |||
(v) 6 credit points of 3000-level disciplinary selective or interdisciplinary projective units | |||
NOTE: BIOL3X08 and BIOL3X16 are offered in alternate years | |||
Marine Science minor |
A minor in Marine Science requires 36 credit points from this table including: | |||
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level selective units | |||
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units | |||
(iii) 12 credit points of 3000-level core units |
Unit of study | Credit points | A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition |
1000-level units of study |
Selective |
BIOL1006 Life and Evolution |
6 | A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February) N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1996 |
BIOL1906 Life and Evolution (Advanced) |
6 | A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1996 |
BIOL1996 Life and Evolution (SSP) |
6 | A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1993 or BIOL1998 |
BIOL1007 From Molecules to Ecosystems |
6 | A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February) N BIOL1907 or BIOL1997 |
BIOL1907 From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced) |
6 | A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1007 or BIOL1997 |
BIOL1997 From Molecules to Ecosystems (SSP) |
6 | A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent N BIOL1007 or BIOL1907 |
GEOS1001 Earth, Environment and Society |
6 | N GEOS1901 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001 |
GEOS1003 Earth Science: Past and Future of Our Planet |
6 | N GEOS1903 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 |
GEOS1901 Earth, Environment and Society Advanced |
6 | A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent N GEOS1001 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001 |
GEOS1903 Earth Sci: Past and Future of Our Planet (Adv) |
6 | A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent N GEOS1003 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 |
2000-level units of study |
Core |
BIOL2022 Biology Experimental Design and Analysis |
6 | A BIOL1XXX or MBLG1XXX; and one first year statistics unit (such as ENVX1002, DATA1001, MATH1005, MATH1115) P BIOL1XXX or MBLG1XXX or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or DATA1X01 or MATH1XX5 or ENVI1003 N BIOL2922 or BIOL3006 or BIOL3906 |
GEOS2115 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change |
6 | A GEOG1001 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 or ENVI1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 P GEOL1501 or GEOS1X01 or GEOS1X02 or GEOS1X03 or BIOL1XXX or ENVI1003 N GEOS2915 |
GEOS2915 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change (Adv) |
6 | A GEOG1001 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 or ENVI1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 P A mark of 75 or above in GEOL1501 or GEOS1902 or GEOS1X01 or GEOS1X03 or BIOL1XXX or ENVI1003 N GEOS2115 |
3000-level units of study |
Core |
BIOL3013 Marine Biology |
6 | A General biology, statistics P [12 credit points of BIOL2XXX] or [6 credit points from BIOL2XXX and (GEOS2X15 or MBLG2X72 or GEGE2X01 or GENE2002)] N BIOL3913 |
BIOL3913 Marine Biology (Advanced) |
6 | A General biology, statistics P An average mark of 75 or above in [12 credit points of BIOL2XXX] or [6 credit points of BIOL2XXX and (GEOS2X15 or MBLG2X72 or GEGE2X01 or GENE2002)] N BIOL3013 |
GEOS3009 Coastal Environments and Processes |
6 | P 12 credit points from (GEOS2X11 or GEOS2X15 or GEOS2X16 or GEOS2X21 or BIOL2022) N GEOS3909 or MARS3003 or MARS3105 |
GEOS3909 Coastal Environments and Processes (Adv) |
6 | P A mark of 75 or above in GEOS2X15 N GEOS3009 or MARS3003 or MARS3105 |
Core Interdisciplinary project |
MARS3888 Marine Science Interdisciplinary Project |
6 | A Students should have general knowledge of fundamental concepts in the geological and biological sciences of marine systems P GEOS2X15 and BIOL2X22 |
Disciplinary Selective |
BIOL3008 Marine Field Ecology |
6 | P 12 credit points of BIOL2XXX or [6 credit points of BIOL2XXX and (AVBS2XXX or ENVX2001)] N BIOL3908 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928 Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any senior BIOL units of study may also be considered. |
BIOL3908 Marine Field Ecology (Advanced) |
6 | P An average mark of 75 or above in 12 credit points of BIOL2XXX or [6 credit points of BIOL2XXX and (AVBS2XXX or ENVX2001)] N BIOL3008 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928 Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance in the pre-requisite units of study. Academic performance in any senior BIOL units of study may also be considered. Students must apply via the School of Life Environmental Sciences rather than directly through Sydney Student Unit of Study Selection. Information on how to apply will be on the SOLES Student Portal on Canvas: |
BIOL3016 Coral Reef Biology |
6 | P [12 credit points of BIOL2XXX] or [6 credit points from BIOL2XXX and (GEOS2X15 or MBLG2X72 or GEGE2X01 or GENE2002)] N BIOL3916 or BIOL2020 or BIOL2920 This unit requires School permission to enrol; please see the School of Life and Environmental Sciences website for details on how to apply. Entry into the unit is based on placement availability and selection is competitive based on academic performance. |
BIOL3916 Coral Reef Biology (Advanced) |
6 | P An average mark of 75 or above in [12cp of BIOL2XXX] or [6cp of BIOL2XXX and (MBLG2X72 or GEGE2X01 or GENE2002)] N BIOL3016 or BIOL2020 or BIOL2920 |
GEOS3014 GIS for Land and Coastal Management |
6 | P Either 12 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience units or [(GEOS2115 or GEOS2915) and (BIOL2018 or BIOL2918 or BIOL2024 or BIOL2924 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928)] N GEOS3914 or ENVX3001 |
GEOS3914 GIS for Land and Coastal Management (Adv) |
6 | P Distinction average in either 12 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience units or [(GEOS2115 or GEOS2915) and (BIOL2018 or BIOL2918 or BIOL2024 or BIOL2924 or BIOL2028 or BIOL2928)] N GEOS3014 or ENVX3001 |
Interdisciplinary Project Selective |
SCPU3001 Science Interdisciplinary Project |
6 | P 96 credit points N HSBH3026 |