
The 2014 Henry Halloran Trust Annual Lecture

5 August 2014
Annual Lecture by Ann Forsyth
Infrastructure can be seen narrowly as a set of specific sorts of facilities and services or more broadly as a set of supports for human activity - social, environmental, economic, physical.

What kinds of infrastructures are needed to face the coming challenges of urbanization - environmental change, demographic aging, social inequality, housing affordability and population change? How can planning and design professions reposition themselves as key players in this area? What are some of the key research challenges? These are some of the questions that were interrogated further during our 2014 Annual Lecture.

Professor Ann Forsyth, the Academic Advisor to the Trust, is the Director of the Urban Planning Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She is also a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney. She has won over fifty awards, citations, and fellowships for individual and collaborative professional and research work. These include national awards for professional and research projects from the American Planning Association (APA), American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) and the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA). Professor Forsyth’s research has been funded by such groups as the, National Institutes of Health, Federal Highway Administration, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Lincoln Land Institute.