
Value Capture: Opportunities and Risks

9 June 2016
A conversation led by Professor Peter Phibbs
Everyone is talking about Value Capture. But what is it, how might and work and how could it help fund the things that would make our cities better places?
Image of a city from a bird's eye view at night time

Professor Peter Phibbs, the Director of the Henry Halloran Trust, will lead a conversation about this important topic at forthcoming seminar at the University of Sydney. He will be joined by two recent graduates of the Urban Planning program, Michael Cuthbert and Richard O'Gorman Hughes who have recently completed research studies on Value Capture in Sydney. They will set the scene about the current and past practice in Sydney. Professor Phibbs will discuss how value capture is used in different jurisdictions in Australia and elsewhere and examine some recent proposals by the Committee for Sydney and others. Chris Johnson, CEO of The Urban Taskforce will join and Professor Nicole Gurran from the University of Sydney will respond to the presentations and be part of a panel to answer questions from the audience.

About the speaker

Peter Phibbs is a geographer, planner and social economist with extensive experience in program evaluation, financial analysis and cost benefit analysis. He has over twenty years’ experience undertaking housing research. Currently he is the Chair of Urban and Regional Planning and Policy at the University of Sydney and also Director of the Henry Halloran Trust at the same University. His recent housing research has been on the development of the affordable housing sector in Australia and the impact of housing on a range of other well-being issues including health and educational outcomes. He is currently a member of the World Health Organisation’s working group which is preparing a set of guidelines on the connections between housing and health. He is also on the NSW Ministerial taskforce on Affordable Housing.