
Zoonoses Node Spatial Analytics Workshop

6 May 2019
Registrations now open

The Zoonoses Node of the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity invites participants to a 2-day spatial analytics workshop.

The workshop will present an introduction to: spatial data formats, representation, and pattern analysis with application to disease surveillance and evaluation. There will be special focus on the use of R software as both a GIS and an analytical tool.

Event details

The workshop is free but registration is mandatory.

All participants are to bring their own personal laptop computer to the course with R and R-studio pre-installed.

Maximum of 20 registrations will be accepted.  Further workshops may be considered later in the year.

Workshop pre-requisites

  • No previous experience with spatial data is required.
  • An introductory familiarity with R is recommended for maximal benefit, however proficient R programming skills are not required.
  • Each of the two days will comprise a mix of lecture presentation and hands-on data work in R, so it is essential that each participant comes with R and R-studio pre-installed on their personal laptop computer.