Support us

Help foster the next generation of inspiring legal minds

Your support helps us to maintain our world-leading status in teaching and research, train tomorrow’s leaders with excellence, and create meaningful impact that will transform the legal landscape.

A world leading law school

Distinction in education. We position academic excellence at the heart of an engaging learning experience that equips our graduates for the future.

Distinction in research. We drive our world-leading research capability to deliver relevant and impactful research with a wide range of global partners.

Distinction in external engagement. We engage in a wide range of local, national and global partnerships to contribute to positive reform and the transformation of society.

Distinction in culture, people, resources and governance. When it comes to our commitment of distinction in culture, people, resources and governance:

  • We strive to provide a diverse and innovative culture
  • We aim to deliver an ambitious Indigenous strategy
  • We will continue to advance our commitment to sustainability
  • We are committed to strengthening our structures of internal governance and external engagement to create a more dynamic and collaborative law school.

Why donate?

  • Our donations go to those who need it most.
  • Philanthropy benefits both the donor and the recipient.
  • All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.
  • We rely on donations to support life changing research, scholarships and projects.

You can make a one-off or ongoing gift, establish a bequest, or donate in honour of a person who is significant to you.

Every gift, no matter its size, makes a difference to the work we do, the impact we make, and the lives of our students, today and in the future.



Four students standing in a building overlooking the city Link

Ways to donate

You can support a specific cause that is meaningful to you, or let us recommend where your donation is needed most.

  • Donate through our online giving form
  • Make a one-off gift over the phone or by mail
  • Organise to make a recurring gift
  • Establish a bequest
  • Donate in honour of someone.

Contact us

Sarah Gho Kim

Development Manager, Advancement Portfolio

+61 481 475 316
