Overall results table

Overall table of results

Human rights performance measured

The table below displays the human rights performance of 22 ASX-listed financial companies, across five areas: customers, commercial, employees, suppliers, and society. The results are based on 2019 Financial Year reporting.

  Retail Commercial Employees Suppliers Society
Afterpay None/few None/few Some None/few None/few
AMP None/few Some None/few None/few None/few
ANZ None/few None/few Some Some None/few
Bendigo & Adelaide Bank None/few None/few Some None/few None/few
Bank of Queensland None/few None/few Some None/few None/few
CBA None/few None/few Some Some None/few
Challenger Some Some Some None/few None/few
Hub 24 None/few None/few None/few None/few None/few
IAG None/few Some Some None/few None/few
IOOF None/few None/few Some None/few None/few
Magellan Financial Some Some Some None/few None/few
Macquarie Group Some Some Some Some None/few
NAB None/few Some Some Some None/few
Netwealth None/few None/few None/few None/few None/few
Pendal Some Some Some None/few None/few
Pinnacle Not applicabale None Some None/few None/few
Perpetual None/few Some Some None/few None/few
Platinum Asset Some Some Some None/few None/few
QBE Some Some Some Some None/few
Steadfast Some None/few Some None/few None/few
Suncorp None/few Some Some Some None/few
Westpac None/few Some Some Some None/few
  • None/few = meets none or few of our human rights indicators
  • Some = meets some of our human rights indicators
  • Most = meets most of our human rights indicators