A shot of outer space

Space Law and Policy Conference 2024

Thursday May 30, 2024
To Orbit and Beyond: Challenges and Outlook for Space Law and Policy in Australia, New Zealand and the Global Context

This event is proudly brought to you by the Sydney Law School and the Space Law Council of Australia and New Zealand.

The diversity of space actors and advances in space technology have brought with it new opportunities and challenges.

We are witnessing lunar landings, planned human missions to the moon, mega satellite constellations in low earth orbit and rising tensions relating to space weapons. Space technology is now intertwined with our critical terrestrial infrastructure.

Outer space has emerged as a key strategic domain, so it is vital for states to ensure that space infrastructure and operations are safe, secure and sustainable.

In this new era of innovation and exploration, space law and policy is critically important - both at the national and international level.

This conference will bring together space experts from industry, government and academia to share knowledge and debate space governance issues.

The conference will be forward-focused, with discussions on the challenges and outlooks in space law and policy for Australia and New Zealand in 2024 and beyond. It will also include featured addresses from the Australian Space Agency and the New Zealand Space Agency.

There will also be panels of notable speakers addressing a variety of law and policy topics relating to commercial space, space sustainability, space security, space geopolitics and alliances, cislunar and lunar space missions.

This event is also a networking opportunity for professionals, academics and enthusiasts working across all space-related fields.

Registration: This event has sold out. Please email: law.events@sydney.edu.au to be placed on a waitlist.

Venue: The full day conference will be held at The University of Sydney Law School, Camperdown Campus.

Contact: Should you have questions, please email: Rebecca Connolly rebecca.connolly@sydney.edu.au


8:30am Welcome Reception Coffee & Tea | Registration 
Provided by Lockheed Martin Australia
8:45am Opening Remarks
9:00am Featured Speaker Address: Australian Space Agency
Tim Hodge, Assistant Director Regulatory Review, Space Regulation, Australian Space Agency
9:30am Panel 1 | Looming challenges in commercial space: regulation, governance and policy
  • Dr Michael Mineiro | Akin Gump
  • Joann Yap | Lander & Rogers
  • Jeremy Hallett | Space Industry Association of Australia
  • Dr Jiye Kim | University of Waikato

Moderator: William Crowe | High Earth Orbit Robotics

10:40am Morning Tea
Provided by Gunggandji Aerospace
11:10am Briefing: Pathway to IAC-2025 Sydney

Panel 2 | Sustainable use of outer space: the regulatory road ahead for spectrum, satellites and space debris

  • Stephanie Wan | KPMG
  • Martyn Taylor | Norton Rose Fulbright
  • Dr Annie Handmer | Optus
  • Anntonette Dailey | Board Member, Defence Council Victoria

Moderator: Professor Rosemary Lyster | Sydney Law School

12:45pm Lunch
Provided by Lander & Rogers

Panel 3 | Space security and space power – critical legal and geopolitical issues

  • Dr Malcolm Davis  | Australian Strategic Policy Institute
  • Dr. Danielle Ireland-Piper | ANU National Security College
  • Dr Rebecca Connolly | University of Sydney Law School
  • Jacob Hacker | KPMG

Moderator: Michael Green | United States Studies Centre


Fireside chat | Update on the work at UNCOPUOS and implications for our region


  • Emeritus Professor Steven Freeland
  • Donna Lawler | AZIMUTH Advisory 

Moderator: Dr Catherine Grace | South Australian Space Industry Centre


3:10pm Afternoon Tea
Provided by Norton, Rose, Fulbright Australia

Panel 4 | The future for space governance and regulation: cislunar, lunar, and deep space activities

  • Professor Melissa de Zwart | University of Adelaide
  • Dr Gabrielle Caswell | SpacePort Australia
  • Dr Sara Langston | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Moderator: James Minchinton | Gilmour Space Technologies

4:45pm Closing remarks

Post-Conference Reception Drinks

Provided by Optus