Happy teen girl smiling at the camera

New year and a new look for Positive Choices

1 February 2021
Drug and alcohol information for school communities
Significant changes have been made to the Positive Choices portal to make it easier for students, school staff, parents and families to find trusted, evidence-based information, resources and prevention programs.

Positive Choices is an online portal is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and developed and managed by researchers at the Matilda Centre. The portal helps school communities access accurate, up-to-date drug education resources and prevention programs.

The new and improved portal is based on feedback from parents, families, teachers, school staff and young people across Australia. The new portal has an improved user interface, making it easier to find trusted, evidence-based information, resources and prevention programs.

New or improved features


An improved search function to find the resources, programs and advice best suited for your school or for your teenager.


Commonly asked questions for parents, families and teenagers about alcohol and other drugs.


An interactive quiz to test your knowledge and dispel myths about alcohol and other drugs.


An improved evidence rating system making it easier to find out how effective a resource is and how it is supported by research.


A blog section containing articles on the latest in drug and alcohol education and prevention, new resources on our website and current topics in Australia.

Positive Choices logo
Access the portal today and share it with your school community!
Access Positive Choices

Felicity Duong

Research Promotions Officer
  • Jane Foss Russell Building G02