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01 November 2023

Antibiotics for common childhood infections no longer effective

Alarmingly high rates of bacterial resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics used to treat children and babies has been found in the Asia -Pacific.
24 October 2023

Meet the 2023 Alumni Award winners

Each year, the University of Sydney awards six Alumni Achievement Awards to alumni in recognition of their outstanding achievements and contributions to their communities.
24 October 2023

Meet the 2023 Graduate Medallists

Each year, the University of Sydney awards six Graduate Medals to our newest alumni in recognition of their achievements in a number of categories. The awards celebrate the recipients visionary leadership, excellence, dedication and commitment to their field.
23 October 2023

FDA funds Australian research for better, affordable asthma inhalers

Australian researchers have been awarded $AU1 million ($US687,000) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop improved testing methods for dry powder inhalers.
18 October 2023

'Animal disease detective' training launched at World Health Summit

With the risk of zoonotic diseases, such as coronaviruses and avian flu, on the rise, training a new generation of animal disease detectives at the frontline is vital to help prevent disease.