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25 May 2023

Helping clinicians diagnose, monitor, and treat rare eye conditions

In a pioneering effort to facilitate the early diagnosis of CLN3, our Save Sight Institute researchers recently conducted a retrospective study on young patients to identify reliable biomarkers for neurological assessment and genomic investigation of this rare disease.
23 May 2023

Westmead team collaborates on health tech with Google

The Westmead Applied Research Centre (WARC) is leading the way in providing accessible solutions for people with heart disease.
23 May 2023

In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain

Study estimates there will be over 800 million cases of low back pain in 2050, a 36 percent increase from 2020. With an ageing population, researchers say we must 'put the brakes' on low back pain cases before the burden becomes too great for our healthcare system.
17 May 2023

Sydney launches GP Clinical School to elevate the profession and research

The University today launched a new clinical school to enhance general practice as a preferred career choice among medical students, grow opportunities for GP-related research and champion multidisciplinary care in the community.
16 May 2023

It's cold and flu season - so what's wrong with cough syrup?

Parents might want to rethink how they help their kids through cold and flu season, with some remedies posing a risk a to young children, write Dr Rose Cairns and Associate Professor Nial Wheate for The Conversation