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Latest news

21 October 2022

Funding success for Sydney cardiac & diabetes researchers

Two University of Sydney researchers have been awarded funding to help address critical gaps in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the leading causes of death and disability in Australia.
18 October 2022

Joint research to alleviate the pain of arthritis

A collaboration between Sydney biotech firm Regeneus and a team of researchers from the University of Sydney is developing a novel treatment to interrupt the process that leads to pain in osteoarthritis, improving the quality of life of millions of people worldwide.
18 October 2022

Medtech company partners with researchers to improve arrhythmia outcomes

A Sydney-based medtech firm specialising in heart arrhythmia management has partnered with University of Sydney researchers to develop a novel technology that will improve therapeutic outcomes for people with heart rhythm disorders.
17 October 2022

Sydney experts elected to Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

Sydney experts in infectious diseases, pharmacology and paediatrics have been elected as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
13 October 2022

Prioritising protein during perimenopause may ward off weight gain

Minor adjustments to the balance of macronutrients in a woman's daily diet during the transition to menopause could lessen or even prevent weight gain and lean tissue loss, according to researchers from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre.