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Latest news

21 July 2022

COVID shield: spray coating to shield surfaces from viruses, bacteria

A sprayable coating that prevents the surface spread of infection from bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, over a sustained period has been developed by a team of Australian researchers.
21 July 2022

Staying Healthy in Winter

While winter can be a great time of year, providing cool relief from hot summers, colder temperatures bring the flu season and a greater risk of other problems. Our health researchers offer the following expert advice for staying healthy this season.
20 July 2022

Meet the team leading the fight against global corneal blindness

A group of leading Australian researchers is collaborating to develop bioengineered eye tissue to treat corneal blindness.

19 July 2022

Artificial intelligence pioneers fund next generation of researchers

The generous gift supports collaborative, multi-disciplinary research underway in the University of Sydney's Digital Sciences Initiative.

14 July 2022

Over 250,000 Australians will die from cancers caused by cigarette smoking over the next 25 years

New research estimates the overall number of deaths from smoking-related cancers is set to increase by 32 percent over the next 25-year period.