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Latest news

11 May 2022

Partnership to develop 'variant-proof' COVID-19 vaccine

The University of Sydney is a lead partner in an international consortium awarded up to US$19.3 million by The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to support the development of a 'variant-proof' SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate.
10 May 2022

Should I be updating my COVID vaccination now?

COVID vaccination recommendations evolve over time. Who is due for which dose now?
06 May 2022

Medical researchers awarded over $11 million in funding

Projects to improve chronic musculoskeletal conditions in children and adolescents, improving care in emergency departments and a novel model of care for low back pain are among those receiving federal funding.
05 May 2022

New reports inform the future of health in our region

COVID-19 and other emergencies have highlighted the interdependence of health security and health systems; with an opportunity to build back better. Two new reports provide a roadmap for stronger post-pandemic health systems in the Indo-Pacific.
02 May 2022

Youth outline top health concerns on scientific stage

Young people feel like they are left behind to manage multiple health risks. If no action is taken, it could be a precursor to chronic health diseases, writes a group of high school students given access to voice their concerns on a stage usually reserved for academics.