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07 October 2021

Review of COVID and mental health finds hope but growing inequalities

Australia's Mental Health Think Tank review of mental health impacts of the pandemic has found most people will recover. However, those hit particularly hard will find it difficult to bounce back, write Sydney experts.

05 October 2021

'Mother of all cannabinoids': anti-seizure compounds found in cannabis

The team at the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics is focused on developing a better cannabis-based treatment for Dravet syndrome, an intractable form of childhood epilepsy.
17 September 2021

Brighten your day with these 10 positive stories

Hanging out for some good news? Here are 10 positive news stories you might have missed that could brighten your outlook this weekend.
17 September 2021

Why do people choose rural medicine?

A career in rural medicine offers opportunities and experiences not available within urban areas. Students who choose to study within rural communities gain exposure to a wider variety of cases and clinical experiences.

03 September 2021

Cancer treatment: where DNA, stem cells and cell immortality meet

All cancers begin as a particular cellular mishap involving DNA. Researchers are working on treatments for all of them. But what if there was a way to prevent that original and universal cellular mishap from happening at all?