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22 July 2021

'An entourage effect': new clues on how low-dose CBD products work

Research from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics shows that hemp extracts deliver high concentrations of cannabinoid acids in mice due to a 'pharmacokinetic entourage' mechanism.
15 July 2021

Far more social distancing needed to control Sydney outbreak

For Sydney to see a sufficient drop in COVID-19 case numbers after one month, social distancing must be observed by over 80 percent of people, a model published today by Professor Mikhail Prokopenko reveals.
10 July 2021

Fancy footwork, butting heads: 5 experts talk UEFA

On Monday morning, the UEFA Euro 2020 will see soccer heavyweights, England and Italy, go head-to-head with hundreds of millions tuning in. Experts discuss the grand final, sports science and soccer's role in culture and society.
08 July 2021

Leading biologists publish review of SARS-CoV-2 origin evidence

Amid debate around the origins of SARS-CoV-2, leading global biologists have reviewed the scientific evidence to help clarify the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans.
07 July 2021

NSW Smart Sensing Network celebrates its fifth anniversary

Backed by the NSW Government, the NSW Smart Sensing Network brings together academia, industry and government to translate world-class smart-sensing research into compelling solutions. It is jointly led by Sydney Nano Director Professor Ben Eggleton.