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Latest news

01 December 2020

Discovery shines light on how cancer cells could protect themselves

Sydney researchers have found cancer cells can repair their DNA by using 'cables' in their nucelus. The findings open new possibilities for designing future cancer treatments.
25 November 2020

Sydney wins five Eureka Prizes for 2020

Five University of Sydney finalists have been named as Eureka Prize winners in recognition of their excellent scientific research, leadership and engagement.
19 November 2020

DetectED-X partners with Volpara Health

University of Sydney start-up DetectED-X teams up with Volpara Health to improve breast cancer education for radiologists and clinicians.

13 November 2020

Female led industry and research collaboration leads to long term partnership

Pushing against the barriers of being a female researcher in academia, Dr Elizabeth Clarke has been successful in collaborating with industry partners to help them solve problems and to progress her research into new and innovative directions.
13 November 2020

How can healthcare decision-makers lean on university expertise?

Our experts in health finance and clinical epidemiology offer critical advice and support for decision-makers.