
News and events

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Latest news

05 August 2020

2020 PREMISE Career Development Support Grants awarded

The Matilda Centre has awarded a third round of PREMISE Career Development Support Grants, providing support for career development activities for early to mid-career researchers or research students.

04 August 2020

COVID-19 study confirms low transmission in educational settings

New research finds COVID-19 transmission rates in NSW schools and early childcare education and care settings were minimal, particularly between children and from children to adults.
03 August 2020

New culturally inclusive program for school-based drug prevention

An upcoming trial provides an exciting opportunity for 24 Australian high schools to be among the first to implement a new, culturally inclusive, school-based, drug and alcohol program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and non-Indigenous students.

27 July 2020

$3.9m for Australia's first Chair of head and neck cancer surgery

Family foundation gift allows University of Sydney in partnership with Chris O'Brien Lifehouse to establish inaugural Lang Walker Family Foundation Chair in Head and Neck Cancer Reconstructive Surgery.
29 June 2020

$26m funding injection for cardiovascular and cancer research

The University of Sydney has been awarded more than $26m for critical research into cardiovascular disease, brain cancer, autism, and to trial a vaccine for zoonotic disease, Q fever.