

29 November 2022

The global complexities of oral health

After almost 20 years in the making, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Oral Health Status Report was recently released, revealing that half of world’s population suffers from diseases of teeth, gums or the mouth.
18 November 2022

Primary Health Care Registered Nursing

Mariah Goldsworthy aims to improve health and educational outcomes for children from rural and remote communities.
18 November 2022

Strengthening systems for health equity with VR

Emma Walke and her team are translating the experiences of the rural and remote communities into a virtual reality training tool.
17 November 2022

Healing Holistically – Healthy Country and Community

Matthews’ work focuses on improving holistic health care systems, the model of comprehensive care embodied by community-controlled primary health services that care for body, mind and spirit for first nations patients.
04 November 2022

Better services for alcohol and other drugs

Over 65% of people entering prison report risky alcohol or other drug use. Dr Michael Doyle's research considers whether more effective alcohol and other drug treatment could lead to improved health and reduce the likelihood of recidivism.