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About us

A research collaboration for healthier international investment agreements

We aim to extend understanding of how to safeguard public health in International Investment Agreements (IIAs) and amplify multisectoral engagement to improve public health outcomes. 

Health-IIA research project logo

We bring together expertise from across disciplines to tackle global economic policy challenges to improve health and wellbeing.

Our vision:

Economic policy transformation that supports – and benefits from – improved public health outcomes.

Recognising the shared objectives, as well as tensions, across health and economic policy sectors, we leverage multidisciplinary problem solving to have an impact on global public policy and improve health outcomes. With funding from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, we are undertaking research that spans public health, data science, political science and law to identify ways to improve global policy outcomes for public health.

We partner with the wider policy community engaging on public health issues in global economic policy.

Our current project has three components:

  1. Documenting existing health safeguards in International Investment Agreements
  2. Describing the diffusion and innovation of these safeguards, globally
  3. Analysing factors that support the uptake of health safeguards in International Investment Agreements

Our people

This multidisciplinary collaboration brings together experts in international policy, law, data science, public health and political science to generate new knowledge of how to improve health safeguards in International Investment Agreements (IIAs) in Australia and globally, to protect and promote public health.

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