Side panels from the trough of a painted wooden coffin with hieroglyphs and Egyptian deities.

Primary programs

Tactile experiences with fun and engaging activities for students
Our programs are designed to inspire children from kindergarten to Year 6 to explore the world in a playful, stimulating and hands-on way.

What is a Museum?

Primary school students visiting the Chau Chak Wing Museum have a unique oportunity to learn about how museums work and what they do through our object-based and museum-focused programs.  Our broad and diverse exhibitions give students the opportunity to see contemprary art, natural history specimens and ancient artefacts in the same excursion.

Our teaching is discussion-based and inquiry-focused, as students explore the museum. Most schools book either a two-hour or three-hour visit. Both include a session in our hands-on room and a tour of the museum led by our education officers.

We are currently taking bookings for in-person programs for March 2022 onwards, please see our Visitor safety information for current covid restrictions.

Primary school students can explore the collections and participate in a range of engaging activities, including:

  • handling objects
  • investigating the past through historic photographs
  • mummy wrapping
  • how we  look art
  • making butterflies.

If you can't travel to the museum, we offer a series of digital learning experiences. Students can explore the collections – and our team can answer their questions – from the comfort of your classroom. Please contact us for more information. Charges apply.

Our primary school program links exceptionally well to the Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)creative artsscience and technology syllabuses.


Primary programs (K–6) price per student
Two hours
Three hours $22

Teachers, parents and carers join for free. Prices include gst, minimum costs apply.

Book an excursion now.


Featured image (top of the page): A student examines a Horse-bit during a hands on session.