Hercules: Myth and Legacy


Myth and Legacy


Myth and Legacy

The second exhibition in our Animal Gods series. Explore the labours of Hercules through the animals, art and cultural artefacts that have carried his name through the ages.


Ancient myths from Greece and Rome have shaped our modern world in surprising ways. They have been translated into many languages for more than 2,000 years and continue to echo through contemporary society across a multitude of material culture. 

The loudest of these echoes is created by the ancient legend of Hercules. His legend has reverberated through the ages, forming a legacy that manifests in the modern world in many different guises.

This multidisciplinary exhibition explores the Twelve Labours of Hercules through artworks inspired by his legend, as well as natural history specimens, landmarks and cultural artefacts that carry his name. 

Two people look at the cabinet of 'Hercules: Myth and Legend'
'Hercules: Myth and Legend', Chau Chak Wing Museum, 2024. Photo by Fiona Wolf.



Open seven days a week
Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm
Sat - Sun: 12 - 4pm

Please note: we are closed on Public Holidays.

Ongoing exhibition


Level 2, Nicholson Galleries
Chau Chak Wing Museum



Header image: 'Hercules: Myth and Legend', Chau Chak Wing Museum, 2024. Photo by Fiona Wolf.


in touch

Contact us

Phone: +61 2 93512812

Email: ccwm.info@sydney.edu.au

Chau Chak Wing Museum
University Place
Camperdown NSW 2050
